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Annual Global Silent Minute – 21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT


21 December 2021 is the third anniversary of the Global Silent Minute and this year our theme is Regeneration Through Silence.

The journey so far…
2019  The first year of the Global Silent Minute was a shared minute of global silence – to pause to recalibrate our identity within the One Heart of the One Life – for global cooperation, peace and freedom.

2020  The second year of the Global Silent Minute was a shared minute of global silence to restore our identity within the Chalice of Silence – that deep, eternal chamber within the Heart.

2021  In the third year of the Global Silent Minute we will take a moment to regenerate through a shared minute of global silence within the planetary Chalice – in recognition of the need to bring to our hearts from the Chalice of Humanity, the recognition of the rightful place of the Mother of the World within our planetary and Cosmic schemes.

Although Her hand has traced an unbreakable thread throughout history in the Manifest World, Her significance has not always been given due reverence both on a planetary and Cosmic scale.

Cosmically, the symbol of the Mother of the World as the Mother of the Universe gives form and purpose to the entire Breath of Cosmos. As the creative force in our being, life moves and breathes by this Breath as She imbues ALL – from infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes of living forms.

On our planet, the ancient mysteries captured the necessity to work with Her flow and rhythm in the two expressions: “to work in the wave of Great Nature” and “to work with the heartbeat of the Mother of the World”.

Cut off from its spirit-understanding, Humanity has been out of step with the Mother of the World and, to date, She has only manifested Herself partially, and never on a planetary scale.  Her time of awakening has come. Her dawning over the planet in the form of the rise of the feminine and the yearning demand of Nature for a new relationship with Humanity is calling for a new balance of fiery equilibrium.

In this year of prototyping for the New Era – the Era of the Mother of the World – we pause on 21 December 2021 to collectively take a moment to regenerate through Silence to re-member our knowing of the majestic power of the Mother of the World and Humanity’s responsibility to work with the flow and rhythm of Her Breath and Heart-beat as we accept our destiny as co-creators and custodians for our beautiful blue planet.

In the lead up to the Annual Global Silent Minute on 21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT we will post memes on Silence on social media.  All memes are available to download from the Global Silent Minute website.  See links below:-

Live Event

We will broadcast the Annual Global Silent Minute on Facebook Live on 21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT.
The event will last 30 minutes and begin at twenty minutes to the hour at 8:40pm GMT.
We will participate in a minute of Silence at 9pm GMT and will finish at ten minutes after the hour 9:10pm GMT.

Links to the live event will be provided through social media and the Global Silent Minute website.


About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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