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Bringing to Birth a New Era of Consciousness
Image: Pixabay - Mindworld

Bringing to Birth a New Era of Consciousness

The human soul is breaking through this opening and bringing to birth a new era of human consciousness

Everything that comes to life is given form from the substance of its mother. And each mother is a reflection of the great Mother aspect that is the primordial source of all that manifests in form. However subtle or solid a form may be, its essence comes through the creative substance of the Mother. As the material world we know breaks down and fails us, many are searching for meaning behind what has been outwardly familiar until now and are becoming open to all that lies behind the outer form. The human soul is breaking through this opening and bringing to birth a new era of human consciousness with its resultant new civilisation and culture – one of peace, shared freedom and responsibility, and care for all.

It is a painful birth because we have not prepared for it as well as we might have done

It is a painful birth because we have not prepared for it as well as we might have done, but it cannot be halted. All new lives inexorably come into being under the overriding power of the Mother, the luminous substance called Materia Lucida. The Agni Yoga teachings explain:

Cosmos creates for Infinity. Cosmos builds with co-measurement. Communion is imperative, and Materia Lucida is the consciousness of the cosmic rays. You are right in terming Materia Lucida the great Mother of the World. Verily, the Universe is woven with the yarn of Lucida and the lever of Love. You are right in calling Materia Lucida Cosmic Love.” from Infinity, sloka 52

…the human heart opens to the creative impulse of the soul and the realisation it brings of our shared life and common essence.

Even while much of our natural world is being destroyed and its substance returned to the great reservoir of potentiality, new forms are being drawn forth from that reservoir as the human heart opens to the creative impulse of the soul and the realisation it brings of our shared life and common essence. In this realisation all divisions are lost, and we become sons and daughters of the great Mother and Father, and divine agents serving the common good, the good of the whole, in whatever way presents itself to each.

We live then in the one ocean of Life, flowing with the mighty currents set in motion by the divine Presence behind all that is – a point of being where the Mother and Father aspects are no longer divisible. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin described something of this realisation in Hymn to Matter (from Hymn to the Universe):

This I now understand. If we are ever to reach you, matter, we must, having first established contact with the totality of all that lives and moves here below, come little by little to feel that the individual shapes of all we have laid hold on are melting away in our hands, until finally we are at grips with the single essence of all subsistencies and all unions.
If we are ever to possess you, having taken you rapturously in our arms, we must then go on to sublimate you through sorrow.
Your realm comprises those serene heights where saints think to avoid you— but where your flesh is so transparent and so agile as to be no longer distinguishable from spirit.
Raise me up then, matter, to those heights, through struggle and separation and death; raise me up until, at long last, it becomes possible for me in perfect chastity to embrace the universe.” Hymn to Matter – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

This reflects the livingness of the principle in the assertion by H. P. Blavatsky that “Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest.”

The Mother stirs within us a sensitivity to the vast beauty of life

The Mother stirs within us a sensitivity to the vast beauty of life and of the Life of the “One in Whom we live and move and have our being”. The Tibetan Master indicates the beauty of that great Life which is as yet beyond our comprehension:

Does it mean anything … when I say that the ceremonial ritual of the daily life of Sanat Kumara, implemented by music and sound and carried on the waves of colour which break upon the shores of the three worlds of human evolution, reveal—in the clearest notes and tones and shades—the deepest secret behind His purpose? … I am not here writing in symbols, but am making an exact statement of fact. As beauty in any of its greater forms breaks upon the human consciousness, a dim sense is thereby conveyed of the ritual of Sanat Kumara’s daily living.”The Rays and the Initiations, page 246-7

All of humanity is participating in an inexorable birth of something greater than we have ever known

On our own small plane, we are enduring the birthing pains of a great unfoldment and learning that we are not that which experiences pain but are rather a new consciousness that is being born through it into greater life and beauty. Pain is the effect of a cause, and through experiencing pain we come to understand both the cause and what better serves us and the greater life which sustains us. All of humanity is participating in an inexorable birth of something greater than we have ever known which is extricating us from the limitations of our long gestation. The Tibetan Master reveals the purpose behind the principle of pain.

The capacity to suffer, which is distinctive of humanity, is the outstanding conscious reaction to environment of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human. It is related to the power to think and consciously to relate cause and effect. It is a process on the way to something undreamt of today. …This same ability to respond through pain is not to be found (in the sense in which the human being comprehends it) in any of the subhuman kingdoms, nor in the superhuman kingdoms … It is related to an aspect of the creative intelligence, an aspect and characteristic peculiar to humanity.
… In this solar system, it has been developed and brought from latency to potency in connection with the substance of the human bodies through which the human soul is gaining experience. It holds the secret of beauty in manifestation, and its first expression can be seen in the creative perfection of certain phases of art for which man, and man alone, is responsible. No other kingdom in nature creates forms, produces colour and sounds in harmonious relation, except the human; all of this type of creative art is the result of aeons of conflict, pain and suffering.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 243

All that is created is born out of the love that radiates from the heart of the Cosmos. Pain is transcended by an expanding love that grows to embrace all.

Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things. Love is the mother.    We are her children. She shines inside us, visible-invisible, as we lose trust or feel it start to grow again.     ~ Rumi ~



About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

One comment

  1. Thank you Judy and everyone working to create this
    beautiful and always inspiring news letter.
    Love Robyn

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