Wednesday , 12 February 2025
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Full Moon in Leo – February 12th 2025 – Pam Gregory

In this 34 minute video, Pam says that it seems that what we are moving into is a revolution of consciousness and a revolution of Love. One of the symptoms appears to be that many governments are becoming more authoritarian, but these events may be the necessary catalysts for several push-back revolutions by the people.
This is to be a very big year for the influx of the new along with many changes, which can mean the end of some aspects of our lives; this can often result in feelings of overwhelming emotions, or things simply getting just too much. It is best to allow that natural clearing process to take place, because from the dissolution of the old, energy is freed up for us to create the new. So, give yourself a break, remain in your sacred space, let it be, and then go about creating the new.
Pam says that the metamorphosis of mankind has already begun, and as she has said before, you cannot put the butterfly back in the caterpillar, so it is best to just go with the flow, in harmony with the new creative energy.
Pam ends the video with a quote from Martin Luther King: –

Darkness cannot drive out darkness – Only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate – Only Love can do that.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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