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Six critical steps to tackle the climate emergency

In this 1-minute video, Dr Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney, Australia, outlines the six steps we can take to reduce the impact of climate change.


Based on rising global surface temperatures and increases in greenhouse gas emissions it is clear we have a climate emergency.  Over 11,000 scientists from over 150 countries agree and have supported a recent publication in Bioscience.

We suggest six critical steps to tackle the climate emergency.  This includes:-

  1. Replacing fossil fuels with renewables
  2. Reducing climate pollutants such as methane and carbon
  3. Protecting and restoring our ecosystems. This means stopping land clearing
  4. Reducing meat consumption
  5. Moving away from an interest in improving GDP and looking at human health and well-being instead
  6. And also slowing down and stabilizing human population growth.

The best news is there is still time for people, policymakers in the business community to make the necessary changes to ensure that future generations can enjoy living on planet earth, our only home.Dr Thomas Newsome, University of Sydney

Dr Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney, Australia, who is the co-author of a paper published in BioScience that outlines the data that shows it is clear we are facing a climate emergency. It has been endorsed by more than 11,000 scientists from 150+ countries. Dr Newsome outlines the six steps we can take to reduce the impact of climate change.

Refer: BioScience Volume 70 Issue 1 January 2020

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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