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All Things are but a Reflection of the Divine
Image: Pixabay - Kellepics

All Things are but a Reflection of the Divine

Have you ever had a thought such as: “No one will notice if I drop this rubbish here, it’s only small” or “This little white lie won’t matter and it will save me embarrassment”? Then perhaps, if we keep thinking, we may begin to wonder: “How many millions of people might be having these same thoughts and acting on them?” And then: “What are the consequences of all these thoughts – for our world and ourselves?”

The results of selfish thinking are becoming more evident now in both our daily lives and around the world.

The results of selfish thinking are becoming more evident now in both our daily lives and around the world. They are helping us realise that we never act in isolation, and that we are always in concert with billions of others in a great orchestration of living expression throughout our planet. We can no longer turn a blind eye to what our heart knows: that we are part of a greater Life with its all-embracing dynamic and purpose.

…a new light is beginning to shine through the awakening human heart.

Even amid the escalating divisions between nations and people and the breakdown of ecosystems and climate crises, a new light is beginning to shine through the awakening human heart. Our heart is a portal, and the wider it opens the more light and truth from the greater Life can shine. Let us hold this in mind. The Tibetan Master reminds us:

Rest not, above all, from your meditation work; keep the inner link; think truth at all times. The need and the opportunity are great and all possible helpers are being called to the forefront of the battle.” A Treatise on White Magic, page 521

…we are, each and every one of us, part of a great living Presence.

We may think that our own small thoughts and actions are of no great consequence, and have no impact, but we are, each and every one of us, part of a great living Presence. Each thought is a reflection of vast thought currents moving through human consciousness. Our thoughts are not isolated or powerless because they are shared by countless others. Let us empower our thinking by knowing that we are each active participants in the great synthesis of life.

If we allow ourselves to be drawn towards dark and destructive currents, our potential light dims and we will find ourselves helping to weave a pall over the human heart. If we direct our thoughts upwards and expand our heart into the greater Life, we then strengthen the mighty currents of light and truth that flow into human consciousness through the door of the heart.

…we can glimpse the eternal soul of our world, and of all contained within it

And if we focus only on the breakdown, we can become absorbed in the energy of it and our radiatory power dims. But if we see through it to the greater light and truth moving through outer events, we can glimpse the eternal soul of our world, and of all contained within it – ever present, purposeful and radiant. So let us not be caught up in the effects of old thinking whose limits we now recognise. Instead let us step up into our eternal being as we act out our roles through daily living in the outer world. As Shakespeare reminded us:

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”
~ As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7

We are each part of the great Play of Life

We are each part of the great Play of Life, and we can carry it forward aligned with the changes in the stage if we stay attuned to what the mighty Playwright, the God of our world, intended to express. Roberto Assagioli offered an illuminating essay on this titled “Life as a Game and Stage Performance” a reading of which can be heard at:

…we are called to play our part in the great drama playing out through our world.

As the sets change on the world stage, we are called to play our part in the great drama playing out through our world. And the sets are changing dramatically as old agreements and systems fail, and mother nature chides us for our negligence. So let us lift our thought and allow our hearts to soar with her vaster vision in the higher currents. The Agni Yoga teachings remind us:

How great is the play of the Mother of the World! She beckons to Her children from Her distant fields: ‘Hasten, children! I wish to teach you. I have keen eyes and alert ears ready for you. Sit ye down upon My garment. Let us learn to soar!’” Agni Yoga, 60

…we approach the great shift between the ages and prepare for the upward arc of evolution

As we approach the great shift between the ages and prepare for the upward arc of evolution the tension and testing is unprecedented, but so also is the opportunity. We are reminded that:


… All worlds are being tested. Those who have understood this truth also understand that every particle of the Universe, however small, is continuously being tested.
An intelligent person can discern the tests, whether without or within. He gives himself a task and, as long as the task brings good, he does not fear it, no matter how difficult it may be. At any time, when necessary for the good of humanity, he will willingly put his life at risk.
Throughout history the legends about the Play of the Mother of the World have been known. The courageous self-tester will also reach a level of participation in Her Play. When facing difficult tasks, the only way to approach dangers fearlessly is through self-renunciation. Then the dangers crumble as if under a hero’s sword. Truly, the one who tests himself can be called a hero. He prepares for himself a glorious entrance into the Supermundane World, where he will strive at once for new quests. His subtle body will provide him with new opportunities and he will apply them valiantly for his perfectment.
Let us not forget that many supermundane travelers become timid and thus deprive themselves of great achievements.
The Thinker said, “Friend, test yourself on each step of ascent.” Supermundane, 895


In the Universe all things are but a reflection of the Divine,
and in each spark of light the Divine Energy is at play.
Light unto all of you!
~ Leaves of Morya’s Garden, I – 92.


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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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