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- We are so grateful for your support
- World Perspectives
- a growing spiritual aspiration
- a new world is arising
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- A Treatise on White Magic
- affection
- agni
- Agni Yoga
- Alice Bailey
- all things are but a reflection of the Divine
- An Infinite Land of Day
- appreciation
- Aries 2024
- Arrows of Thought
- As a man thinketh in his heart
- astral body
- astrology
- at-one-ment
- awareness
- Balance
- balancing
- beacon
- beauty
- beauty and fairness
- Beauty is the impact of the Divine
- Beauty is Truth
- Beauty transforms matter into a rainbow
- Bedrock of Truth
- Bicycles for Humanity
- birth of a new consciousness
- Breaking through
- breathe
- Bridge in Consciousness
- bridge of life
- bridge of light
- Brotherhood
- brotherhood of the universe
- bursting with the joy of the unknown
- by human feet and human hands
- Carry us into a new world
- cave of the heart
- Centre where the will of God is known
- change
- civilisation of the Heart
- communion of the one hearth
- compassion
- compassion explosion
- consciousness
- coperative endeavour
- Cosmic Fire
- Cosmic sea of life
- cosmic sky
- Cosmos
- courage
- Create a New World
- Creating a pathway of return
- Creating a World
- creative thought-power
- Crisis is a prelude to all expansions of consciousness
- Dawn of the New Era
- death throes of an old worldview
- destiny
- dew drops of prana
- Diamond of Consciousness
- disciple
- Discipleship in the New Age
- discipline of hope
- dissolves all barriers
- divine garden
- Divine Symmetry
- Divine Will
- divinity
- Do we see “through a glass darkly”
- dramatic astrology
- Earth from space
- electric world
- electrical nature of the universe
- emergence of the soul
- energy follows thought
- energy of love
- enlightenment
- enthusiasm
- era of the heart
- era of the mother of the world
- esoteric
- Esoteric Healing
- Esoteric psychology
- eternal life
- eternal oneness
- eternal source
- etheric
- etheric body
- etheric vehicle
- expanding consciousness
- expanding universe
- Expansions of Heart
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy
- Externalising your Heart
- eye of the storm
- family relationship
- fearlessness
- fiery heart
- fiery lotus
- Fiery World
- fire is the great purifier
- Fire of Love
- flame of the heart
- flood of joy
- Fly Away Home
- Formless God
- freedom
- Freedom of Being
- Full moon
- Full Moon in Cancer
- Full Moon in Gemini
- Full SuperMoon
- future
- Gateway of Liberation
- Gathering Dawn
- Gentle Flower of Hope
- giving replaces taking
- global awakening
- global change
- Globe of awareness
- God
- golden light
- goodwill
- gratitude
- Great Invocation
- Great Life of the Universe
- Greater Light
- Group Discipleship
- H P Blavatsky
- harmony
- healing
- heart
- heart and soul
- Heart in All
- heart of humanity
- heart of the world
- Heart transcends space & time
- Heaven
- Helena Roerich
- Hierarchy
- Hierarchy of souls
- Hold Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand
- home
- Home of the Heart
- Hope
- human consciousness
- human heart
- Human Soul
- human spirit
- humanity
- I build a lighted house and therein dwell
- illumination
- impulse to freedom
- inclusiveness
- infinite
- Infinite stream of life
- Infinity
- inner radiance
- Inner Sun
- inner world
- inspiration
- interdependence
- interrelatedness
- intuitive heart
- Isn't it Time to Turn Your Heart into a Temple of Fire?
- jewel in the lotus
- joy
- Joy is a Special Wisdom
- joy of freedom
- joy of the heart
- Joy of the unknown
- Joy unbelievable
- justice
- K-Message
- Kahlil Gibran
- karma
- Kingdom of Souls
- Law of Cause & Effect
- Law of Magnetic Impulse
- Laws of the Soul
- Leaves of Morya's Garden
- Leaves of Moryas's Garden
- Let the Sun-Heart come alive
- letting go
- life
- Life is Loving Synthesis in action
- light
- Light begins to shine
- Light in the world
- light of our soul
- Light of the Soul
- Light of the World
- Light reveals truth
- lighted home
- lion of truth
- Living Bridge
- Lord of the World
- Lotus
- lotuses
- lotuses aflame
- love
- love and truth
- Love and Unity Consciousness
- Love is the eternal lifeline
- Love is the flame
- love is the lion of truth
- Love of the Soul
- Love one another
- Love unspeakable
- magnet of the heart
- magnetic seed of the future
- Maitreya
- Map of Everything
- Map of Heaven
- Master DK
- Materia Lucida
- maya
- Mercy Pity Peace & Love
- Merging with the Light
- Merle Stubbs
- mirror of the mind
- Morya
- Morya's Garden
- Mother Nature's fire
- Mother of the World
- My Constellation
- my soul is from elsewhere
- Nations
- New Age
- new civilisation
- New dimension of being
- New Earth
- New era
- new era being born
- New Era Community
- New era of consciousness
- new era of the soul
- new human consciousness
- New humanity
- New Light
- New Shoots of Goodness
- new vistas
- New World
- Nicola Tesla
- nine stars
- Ocean of Light & Love
- omniscience
- one heart
- One hearth
- One Life
- One Life of Earth
- One Light
- One Soul
- one swaying being
- One world
- Oneness
- only dissolution of forms
- only from the heart
- open heart
- Our Planet is Alive
- Our Shared Humanity
- Pam Gregory
- Pam Gregory astrology
- Patanjali
- path of ascent
- path of the Bodhisattva
- pathway for the light of truth
- Pathway of Light
- pathway of return
- Patterns of expression
- peace
- Peace unbreakable
- Peace will come to Earth again
- Petals of the Heart
- planetary centre
- planetary Logos
- power of hope
- power of poetry
- power of simplicity
- prana
- pure heart
- purificatory fire
- Rabindranath Tagore
- radiance
- radiance of life
- radiance of love
- radiance of the heart
- radiant
- radiant sun-heart
- radiatory
- radiatory awareness
- random acts of kindness
- Rays and Initiations
- Rays and the Initiations
- re-incarnation
- realisation
- realised state
- Reappearance of the Christ
- Removing the seeds of enmity
- resonance of the spheres
- Responding to the Light
- Restoring the Plan on Earth
- revelatory
- rising from the ashes
- Rising Sun
- river
- Roberto Assagioli
- roots of growth
- Rumi
- Sacred Fire of the Heart
- secret treasure bearer
- Seed of Samadhi
- seeing the new world rise
- Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart
- self-realisation
- serve the Divine Plan
- Shamballa
- sharing
- Signs of Christ
- Silence
- silence is the language of god
- silence of love
- Silent and Still
- simplicity
- simplicity of being
- simplification
- Solar Logos
- solemnity
- something finer is slowly dawning
- Song of the future
- Song of the Heart
- Songs of Peace
- soul
- soul is the lodestar
- Soul presence
- spiral cycles of nature
- spiral dynamics
- spiral pattern of human evolution
- spiral structure of DNA
- spirit
- spiritual awareness
- spiritual dimensions
- spiritual hierarchy
- spiritual sun
- status quo
- stillness
- strength of the heart
- striving
- subjective realm
- Subtle life
- subtle spheres
- subtle world
- Subtles worlds
- Sun
- sun-heart
- sun-hearts
- Sun's view
- Sunlight and shadows
- SuperMoon
- SuperMoon Eclipse
- Supermundane
- sustainability
- Sutras of Patanjali
- symbiotic cycle
- synthesis
- Tagore
- Teilhard de Chardin
- telepathy
- Telepathy & the Etheric Vehicle
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle
- Telepathy in the Etheric Vehicle
- temple of fire
- Temple of Light
- tenderness
- Tenderness Revolution
- The Awakening
- the awakening heart
- the beginning of Satya Yuga
- The Christ
- The Coming One
- The Discipline of Joy and Achievement
- the end of Kali Yuga
- The fire and the rose are one
- the grace and beauty of the Cosmos
- the human heart awakens from a long slumber
- The Interconnectedness of All
- The Light of Hierarchy
- The Light of the Soul
- the metamorphosis of mankind
- the new Aquarian civilisation is beginning to manifest in joy.
- the old system is collapsing
- the one heart
- The One Life
- The Oneness of all Life
- The Path of Ascent
- the path out of suffering
- the power of the Heart
- The Rays & the Initiations
- The Rays and the Initiations
- The Reappearance of the Christ
- The Spiral
- The Sun Radiates the Light that Enables Life
- The Tibetan
- The Tibetan Master
- the way of higher evolution
- the wings of humanity
- there is no death
- think spatially
- thinker
- thinking in the heart
- thinking truth
- thoughts
- thriving on joy
- Tibetan Master
- tides of change
- time
- time speeding up
- timelessness
- Together we build with Light
- touch the sky
- Tower beyond tragedy
- transformative
- transparency
- True oneness of the Life we share
- true self
- truth
- Truth is Beauty
- truth-tellers
- turn your Heart into a Temple of Fire
- Two wings not one
- Unfolding the petals of the heart
- United Nations
- unity
- Unity consciousness
- universality
- unknown
- upward spiral
- vast field of shared consciousness
- visualisation
- Voices of the wise
- warmth of heart
- weaving a new garment
- wheel of life
- wholeness
- will
- will-to-good
- William Meader
- willing heart
- winds of change
- wings
- wisdom
- wise heart
- word of the soul
- workshop
- world affairs
- World Kindness Day
- You are the entire ocean in a drop
- you cannot put the butterfly back in the caterpillar
- Assistant Editor for Judy (30)
- Jude Watson (2)
- Judy (491)
- Margrit (2)
- Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service (272)
- Wendy J. Thompson (28)