Monday , 21 October 2024
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Tag Archives: heart

Lo! The Light, an Infinite Land of Day

Lo the Light an Infinite Land of Day

With much in the conventional news broadcasts reflecting what is breaking down around our planet, many are looking for alternative sources to provide a more balanced view of the world. And there are many options emerging to offer it. The Positive News Magazine in the UK (, the Good News Network in the USA ( and the Good News Agency …

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The Heart is as Bright as the Sun

Heart is as Bright as the Sun

In the turbulence of catastrophic climate forces, of opposing armed ambitions or conflicting ideologies, and in the swirling undercurrents of the outgoing retrogressive tide, where is the point through which strength comes to guide and empower our way through? The awakening heart knows. The mind can assess facts and strategize, and can as easily become the instrument of baser instincts …

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The Era of the Mother of the World

Mother of the World

The Christmas decorations are being stored away and the New Year celebration is becoming a memory. Children are preparing to return to school and their parents are re-immersing in the working week. But our eyes have been refreshed from interaction with family and friends and have been reminded that connections of love underlie what brings peace, happiness and joy. Perhaps …

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Joy is a Special Wisdom

Lotus with swallow

As we approach Christmas and a New Year, we enter a cyclic turning point. It is a time of remembering and completion, and as the cycle turns into a new moment, Time offers a fresh page for renewed inspiration. We plan family gatherings, remember old friends and, as we enter the New Year, we set new goals – perhaps a …

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A Pathway of Light

Pathway of Light

Oft-repeated things may also be the soonest forgotten, obscured by familiarity while our attention wanders elsewhere. Thus the magical process of conveying meaning and significance can be short-circuited when we speak automatically, detached from a deep and living engagement in the flow from the subtle world of inspiration into the world of its expression. Yet every word has the potential …

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The Love That Dissolves All Barriers

Love Dissolves All Barriers

While the recent tragedy in Manchester brings yet more shock and grief into the world, what comes most powerfully to the fore is the unifying outpouring of heart-response – from the homeless man donating blood as the one thing he had to offer, to the groups gathering in solidarity no matter each one’s religion, racial background, political ideology or social …

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The Tenderness Revolution

Tenderness Revolution

The deepest truths are often found in the simplest things when we look into the heart that enlivens their outer form. Appearances really can be deceptive – like fake news – unless we stretch our view beyond the surface and beyond the “twitter” moment. This more subtle and penetrating sense of things is illustrated in the movie, The Hobbit – …

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Winds of Change

winds of change

Like sunlight sparkling across a vast ocean, the great sea of human consciousness is twinkling with realisations as though constantly sparked by a surging current. The best and the worst are rising to the surface and into the forefront of our awareness and focussed attention; and their juxtaposition is revealing more about what is good, true and beautiful. Although reported …

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Only from the Heart can you Touch the Sky

Touch the sky

In the turbulent times now sweeping through our world the retrogressive forces can be clearly seen in the most prominent embodiments – so clear that all those with true sight must see them and, by contrast and in sharp relief, see therefore all that is good, true and beautiful in the human heart. The vision of human harmony, care and …

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The Fire of Love

Fiery Lotus

Here in the Southern Hemisphere the season of Spring is now in full sway. Plants are greening and blooming, the seasonal winds are freshening the air and people are opening their doors like flowers unfolding to the warmth of the Sun. What inspiration and joy the plant kingdom brings as, perhaps more than any other kingdom in nature, it demonstrates …

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