Monday , 21 October 2024
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Tag Archives: compassion

Externalisation of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

This is a 40 minute talk by the Rev. Joleen Du Bois, who is the President and founder of the White Mountain Education Association, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Agni Yoga Society of New York City. Rev. Joleen finds it comforting to know that our world and our Humanity is run by God’s Board of …

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The Tower Beyond Tragedy

Tower Beyond Tragedy

The Christmas Season approaches as a timely reminder of the great inflow of divine energies embodied in the Christ, of the divine within each and every one, and of the soul in all things and in all kingdoms in nature. Christmas stories abound with the significance of the plant kingdom, of the animal and human kingdoms, and of the angelic …

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Dancing in the Stream of Life

Dancing in the Stream of Life

Watching events across the globe, from our local community to the international stage, it appears our world is at a crucial point of balance, teetering a little, backwards and forwards, between the unreal and the real as though we are more consciously living out the ancient prayer: Lead us from Darkness into Light, from the Unreal to the Real, from …

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Like the Sun, a radiant heart unfolds beauty

Radiant Sun

Our compassion flows out to those suffering pain and terror amidst the conflicts that ravage so much of our planet. And while our hearts weep for those in pain and we work to bring aid to them, it is increasingly critical that hope be kept alive and be allowed to flower into those solutions that lead to the peaceful understanding …

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Our Lighted Home

Earth lights

Though the words, house and home, are often used interchangeably there are subtle differences that register in our energy response. The word “home” seems to draw on a deeper realm of being and belonging. We might call “home” the house in which we dwell, or the city, state, country or any location which we imbue with a sense of home. …

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