Monday , 21 October 2024
Next Events & Meetings



The Spirit of Equilibrium  There is an entity who embodies and ensouls the energy of equilibrium. This potent Individual is called the Spirit of Equilibrium and, in addition to wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet, is responsible for vitalising the responsiveness of Humanity to the will of God or Shambhala. As the secret of the will lies in Humanity’s …

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A group of 55+ peace leaders from around the world will be present at the Japan Peace Convergence hosted by Unity Earth ( ) from15-22 September 2024. The Convergence will begin in Tokyo (15-17 September), move to a Spiritual Retreat at Mt Fuji (18-20 September), and culminate on the 21 September, the International Day of Peace, in Hiroshima Peace Park with …

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Beauty is the Impact of the Divine

Beauty is the impact of the Divine

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” may be one of those well-known and often quoted sayings but it carries the seed of a deep and foundational truth. What evokes a response to the energy of beauty in one individual may be different for another, and yet it is the same experience for all no matter what triggers it. …

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Sirius-Leo Festival 18-22 August AEST/17-21 August GMT

The Sirius-Leo Festival offers an opportunity of working with the Hierarchy to absorb, apprehend and anchor the (en)lightening, leavening and loosening energy emanating from Sirius.  See previous article: The Life manifesting through Sirius, referred to as that “Brilliant Star of Sensitivity”, is said to be an expression which is organised and vital beyond anything we can vision and which …

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Preparing the Planetary HEARTH for the Sirius-Leo Festival

We are invited to continue to prepare for the Sirius-Leo Festival 18 to 22 August Australian dates (17 to 21 August calibrated to London and GMT) as we experiment together to sensitize to the telepathic field that holds the living organism of the One Planetary Server, the World Servers Group. We may liken this experiment to preparing a fireplace or …

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In the Northern Hemisphere, the June Cancer Solstice is the summer solstice (the day with the longest period of daylight) while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the winter solstice (the day with the shortest period of daylight). Depending on the hemisphere in which we reside, we are in the midst of summer or winter in June and then its …

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The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will hold its centennial conclave to precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. The world group, as the Ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity to play a conscious part in this planetary event. The Leo-Sirius Festival, August 17-21, provides us with an opportunity to expand our group …

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The Cracks in Everything Reveal How the Light Gets in

In times of uncertainty it is often the artists of the world that nurture the Spirit of Humanity. Such is the case with poet-philosopher-singer Leonard Cohen in his beautiful song entitled “Anthem”.  Not only does the song ring true, the gorgeous interplay between Cohen and the band in the clip is illustrated as he introduces each member – honouring the …

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Blessings from Shambhalla

In the approach to the Wesak Festival celebrated within the radiance of Mount Kailash, we are called to participate in the supreme moment of the year of intensive spiritual effort when the Buddha and the Christ, two of the Mother of the World’s Sons, at-one for 8 minutes during the exact time of the full moon in Taurus. During this …

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Notice of initiative: Call to esoteric groups

Dear friends and co-workers, This is a call to esoteric groups in preparation for 2025. The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will meditate and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial “great download”. The world group, as the ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity and the responsibility to play …

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