Wednesday , 12 February 2025
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In the Northern Hemisphere, the June Cancer Solstice is the summer solstice (the day with the longest period of daylight) while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the winter solstice (the day with the shortest period of daylight).

Depending on the hemisphere in which we reside, we are in the midst of summer or winter in June and then its opposite in December, whereas the Life informing our planet experiences these opposites simultaneously within the planetary body of manifestation.

As we prepare for the 2025 Conclave we can work intentionally with the Cancer-Capricorn Solstice initiatory axis recognising the long relationship between the Lord of the World and the Lord of Sirius Who manifests through that brilliant Star of Sensitivity emanating Cosmic Love and Cosmic Freedom, and is the source of the Mysteries of Initiation.

We look up at the stars and out into the Universe and we can locate Sirius in space. Sirius is also closer to home: it can be found in the micro-Universe within us as Sirius permeates every part of us – residing as it does at the heart of every atom.  Thus, Sirius is simultaneously in the sky and in us – in fact, at the heart of every atom in all kingdoms of nature.

So let us take a moment of Sirius Silent Reflection at the exact time of the June Solstice to see what impressions arise as we work through the Heart with the Life manifesting through our planet to apprehend, realise and anchor what is seeking emergence for the good of the whole.

We recognize that our cooperative endeavour for the interlude of the Cancer-Capricorn Solstice, in this penultimate year before the 2025 Conclave, is simultaneously preparatory for the Sirius-Leo Festival 17-21 August and our intergroup telepathic experiment.

With our collective participation in this reflective Silence as Action we know that the concordance of our thought in this shared service exponentially increases the radiatory power and impact of this dynamic Silence.

The exact time in Sydney of the solstice is Friday 21 June at 6:50AM AEST.

Solstice times for the five planetary centres:

                      • London Thursday 20 June at 9:50PM BST/8:50PM UTC/GMT
                      • Geneva Thursday 20 June at 10:50PM CEST
                      • New York Thursday 20 June at 4:50PM EDT
                      • Darjeeling Friday 21 June at 2:20AM IST
                      • Tokyo Friday 21 June at 5:50AM JST

General time and date converter:

Specific Solstice Table:


Title Image: Photo by Toby Cannell on Unsplash / Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

One comment

  1. Lorraine van der Linden

    Thank you for all the work you do and are involved in, it is all so appreciated.

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