Monday , 21 October 2024
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Tag Archives: joy

Externalisation of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

This is a 40 minute talk by the Rev. Joleen Du Bois, who is the President and founder of the White Mountain Education Association, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Agni Yoga Society of New York City. Rev. Joleen finds it comforting to know that our world and our Humanity is run by God’s Board of …

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Bursting with the Joy of the Unknown

Bursting with the Joy of the Unknown

How wise are our children when they ask those incessant questions! Our early childhood is a phase of accelerated learning about the world and then something happens as we move into adulthood. Along the way we begin to take so many things for granted that we may cease to question and to touch the vital stimulation of discovery. It’s as …

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Joy is a Special Wisdom

Kingfisher with Lotus

We are told that “joy is a special wisdom” but how can we speak of joy when there is so much sorrow and suffering in the world? And yet how can one persevere and endure the pain of living in the world without access to the wellspring of the heart that knows the vivifying and uplifting power of joy? Joy …

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Where is Heaven?

Light Through Trees

Some days are so bright with sunshine that one can’t help but feel joy bubbling up and dancing through one’s veins. And then we hear the news reports from around the world about the desperate troubles which still beset humanity in spite of all the progress we have made into enlightened living. Yet, amid all the horror of what is …

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To see a world in a grain of sand

What a bundle of contradictions we humans can seem to be! We want to belong, to be like everyone else, and yet at the same time we desire to be acknowledged and to express our individuality within the larger group. The wondrous thing is that together we form the kingdom in nature which finds it possible to identify both with …

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The Spirit of Peace and Equilibrium

This month, on Saturday 21st September, the 30th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Peace will be celebrated in a world where great movements for peace, humanitarian agencies, compassionate initiatives and peaceful international relations are multiplying at an ever increasing rate. At the same time we see continuing the bitter legacy of religious and sectarian wars, torture, the …

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The Discipline of Joy and Achievement

It can be disconcerting to suddenly realise that something has been hidden from our attention yet has been in plain sight all along – if we had only looked! Often there can be present, yet unseen, things of great beauty or which have the power to release us from restrictive and burdensome problems. In many cases the constraints we experience …

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