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Behind All Forms Is Found The One Life
Photo: Chandan Chaurasia

Behind All Forms Is Found The One Life

…we are realising in a very confronting and irrefutable way that almost every issue and concern is a world-wide concern

As the world scrambles to deal with the Coronavirus epidemic, we are realising in a very confronting and irrefutable way that almost every issue and concern is a world-wide concern, and it’s through the human connections around the globe that issues and reactions are transmitted – across all barriers and borders. Humanity now embraces the whole world, so what occurs locally is soon spread throughout. Even if we have denied all previous indications of our oneness, it can no longer be ignored.

Through this oneness there are constantly flowing streams of transmission through every layer of our livingness from biological and physical effects, to emotional responses, to information and news (real or fake), and all the way up to higher levels where ideas may be intuited from the divine dimensions where goodness rules. In those realms we may connect with Those Who radiate the will-to-good and Who are ready to guide us if we listen upwards and beyond the downward spiral of fear and panic.

In these times of upheaval it can be all too easy to forget who we really are

In these times of upheaval it can be all too easy to forget who we really are, so desperate we may become to protect the familiar forms in which we live. And yet, through all the outer turmoil, there persists our real presence, our essential identity, our true “Self” – still, potent, keenly aware at the heart of our being, and persisting through time and space on powerful currents of universal life, the same mighty Life we share with all.

With the natural crises moving through our world we are coming to realise that Mother Nature is no longer passive under human exploitation but is rising up in a show of force that may restore our sense of proportion and right relationship with Her and with Her beautiful manifestation through the Earth, our Home. From the Agni yoga writings we learn that:

The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.
You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.
You who fear the end, turn to all four directions and say, “Let us realize Infinity!” The summits and the recesses of Earth are your sources. Limitless are the currents of these sources. If people would only know how to gather the eternally flowing currents of Infinity, then verily the laboratory of life would be realized.
The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.
You who fear the end, affirm yourself in the power of the spiral of Light and of the Fire of Space. Let us say, ‘Beautiful is the Breath of Cosmos!’” Infinity I, 10

We are in fact actively, psychosomatically influencing and changing ourselves and the world around us.

Discoveries about the nature of matter are gradually changing the way we understand our world, our relationship with it and ourselves. We are discovering that we are more fluid and pervasive than we previously thought and that the way we think about things changes them. We are in fact actively, psychosomatically influencing and changing ourselves and the world around us. And the more we think and feel together, and for the greater well-being of the planet in which we are a participating aspect, the more influential we can be in assisting the evolutionary purposes of our world and all within it.

The growing sense of our interrelationship with the Mother of the World is inspiring a movement in human consciousness that is carrying us into finer realms. This shift is an expanding integration of the expressive aspects of our being to include the persistent, subtle and sensitive Self at the heart of who we are as a species integral to a living planet. A new point of integration is being approached – a new point of identification in which the universal Self is realised in each component part of it.

As the fiery heart of humanity begins to resonate…all things become possible.

As the fiery heart of humanity begins to resonate with the heart of every tiny atom, a mighty communion with the universe opens up and all things become possible. The teachings speak of the power at the heart of every atom:

The soul alone perceives correctly; the soul alone has the power to contact the germ or the principle of Buddhi (in the Christian phraseology, the Christ principle) to be found at the heart of every atom, whether it is the atom of matter as studied in the laboratory of the scientist, whether it is the human atom in the crucible of daily experience, whether it is the planetary atom, within whose ring-pass-not all our kingdoms of nature are found, or the solar atom, God in manifestation through the medium of a solar system. Christ ‘knew what was in man’ and therefore could be a Saviour.” The Light of the Soul, page 19

A stream of energy coming from the sun, Sirius… enters directly into the [Spiritual] Hierarchy and carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic love. This, in a mysterious way, is the principle found at the heart of every atom.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 415

Behind all forms is found the one Life; within every atom (solar, planetary, human and elemental) is found the one sentient existence; back of objective nature, the sum total of all forms in all the kingdoms of nature is found the subjective reality which is essentially a unified whole or unity, producing the diversified many.” [The Light of the Soul, page 386

And the breath of the Mother of the World pervades all within the Cosmos including our Earth, ourselves and all we create in Her name.

The symbol of the Mother of the World, giving form and purpose to the entire Breath of Cosmos, transforming the kernel into incalculable manifestations, crowns our Earth with beauty.
The Mother of the World is the great creative force in our being.”
Infinity I, 38


About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Beautiful and thoughtful as always Judy.

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