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Graphic Design by Global Silent Minute; Image by Zorro4 from Pixabay and Text inspired by the Yoga of Synthesis.

Chalice of Silence event


gracefully held the


in an embrace of Gratitude.

On the 21 December 2020 from 8:45pm to 9:15pm GMT, we held the CHALICE OF SILENCE event where participation in the exact annual Global Silent Minute was preceded, and succeeded, by twelve minutes of Silence.  Why twelve minutes? According to Helena P Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine, Pythagoras held the number 12 as very sacred. And, its form as the dodecahedron, has been described as “a PERFECT number” and, the universal pattern underlying creation.  Two 12 minutes – embracing the exact Global Silent Minute – made double perfect sense.

Many ancient traditions acknowledge the significance of the chalice in the New Era.  Through the Agni Yoga teachings, the chalice is spoken of as the symbol for the New Era:

Formerly We sent the olive branch of peace. Formerly the dove was Our symbol; now it is the chalice of achievement. Yes, each age has its symbol. Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 264

The chalice is recognised through eternity as a symbol of service:

Since times immemorial the Chalice has been a symbol of Service. The gifts of Higher Forces are gathered in the Chalice and given from the Chalice. The symbol of the Chalice has always stood for self-sacrifice. Whoever bears the Chalice bears Achievement. Each lofty deed can be marked by the symbol of the Chalice. Everything most lofty, everything for the good of humanity, should bear this symbol. The Chalice of the Grail, and the Chalice of the Heart which has dedicated itself to the Great Service, is a most Cosmic Magnet. The Heart of the Cosmos is reflected in this great symbol. All images of Heroes of the Spirit may be represented as bearing the Chalice. The whole universe is reflected in the Chalice of the fiery spirit. The Chalice contains the accumulations of centuries which are gathered around the seed of the spirit. It is necessary to accept the affirmation of the Chalice as a great symbol in everyday life. Small children, and all youth, should be taught to think about the Chalice. One should understand the entire diversity of forms of the great symbol, the Chalice. Fiery World III, 49.

And there is a ceremony where one is invited to receive and drink of the chalice until it is empty where one finds an inscription on the bottom that says: “Thou art the one who hast given all and accepted all.” Agni Yoga, 520

Which brings us to GRATITUDE.

Wellesley Tudor Pole, the initiator of the Silent Minute (story of the Silent Minute https://www.globalsilentminute.org/history-of-the-silent-minute/), said that this minute was – and is – for many the most important part of every day. And, underlying the diversity of approaches to participate in the minute – whether they be prayer, invocation or meditation – was and is a moment of thankfulness, of giving, of knowing that when we arrive at the Stillness and Silence within we realise our connection – indeed our communion – with all of Life in all its dimensions.

In his article, “The Gift of Giving” in his book The Silent Road, Tudor Pole said:

Most people are taught to accept that the main objective in life is to get and to hold, without any question arising of the need to give in return. As a result, the law of love is violated with consequences that are only too apparent on every side.

Those who give freely all that is within their power to give will find that their own needs are always met. To give in the spirit of selflessness is to get, but to attempt to get without giving is surely contrary to Divine law and can bring no lasting satisfaction. I think it can be safely said that the working of this law is as applicable to nations as it is to individuals. Nearly all world problems could be solved by an understanding of the principles involved in giving and in the giving of thanks.

The following illustration has been used before, but it is very apt:

There are two seas in Palestine. One is filled with fresh and sparkling water. Trees and flowers grow around it. Fish live in it and its banks are green. The pure waters of this sea, which possess a healing quality, are brought down by the river Jordan from the hills around Mount Hermon. The Master loved this sea and many of the happier moments of His ministry were spent beside it. It is a place filled to this day with serenity and power.

The river Jordan flows on south into another sea.

Here there is no life, no song of birds, no children’s laughter. The air hangs sinister and heavy above its water and neither man nor beast nor bird will drink. This sea is dead.

What makes so mighty a difference between these two seas of Palestine?

This is the difference—the Sea of Galilee receives but does not keep the waters of the Jordan. For every drop that flows into it another drop flows out. The more it gives joyfully away the more it receives in return. This is the Sea of Life.

The other sea hoards every drop of water reaching it and gives nothing in return. The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. The other sea gives nothing and does not live. It is truly named ‘The Dead’.

It seems to me that to give and to give thanks will open many doors that would otherwise remain barred against us.

Tudor Pole then asked:

“Is it not well worthwhile to observe the Silent Minute at nine each evening in the spirit of thankfulness that seeks no reward beyond the joy of giving? …Complete uniformity of method in keeping the Minute is not to be expected, but it is hoped that a bond of fellowship may invisibly unite all who meet in silence at nine each evening. What I would like to suggest is that we should agree to keep what for many is the most important moment of the day in the spirit of thankfulness. By this I do not mean to suggest that Remembrance and Resolve, the other two watchwords that have been chosen for the Minute, should be absent from our thoughts, but simply that thanksgiving should be the predominating keynote of the observance.

To give and to give thanks, in the increasing recognition of Christ’s presence in our midst, will fulfil the law and bring us happiness and peace.

Our beautiful blue planet is continuously receiving gifts of energies flowing through the Cosmos and through our hearts. Right now we are immersed in a Great Conjunction between Jupiter (the planet of the Heart, expansion and Justice) and Saturn (the planet of Light, choice, opportunity and responsibility) in Aquarius (the sign of freedom, creativity and flow). Last time this conjunction occurred, it coincided with the Renaissance in the Manifest World and aren’t we ready for a new Renaissance both in the world and in our hearts?

Unity in Silence, we call it Silence as Action in recognition of this power in our hearts to imagine – and create – a better world for all. A new culture built on new foundation stones – the culture of peace, the culture of giving and gratitude, the culture of being the distributive chalice in the flow of Life! In our hearts – and, in the world!

Heartfelt gratitude to all who participated in the annual Global Silent Minute within the Chalice of Silence and continue with its daily rhythm.

The Chalice of Silence: painting and graphic design by Wendy J Thompson

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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