Saturday , 22 February 2025
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Photo: Geronimo Giqueaux

The Sun Radiates the Light that Enables Life

At the heart of any society can be found common sayings that contain our sense of values

At the heart of any society can be found common sayings that contain our sense of values and how we interact and live together. We may smile at some of these as they convey a caricature of an aspect of our group personality such as those in the Australian vernacular like “she’ll be right, mate” or “fair go”. Although they may lose power through over-familiarity, they remain as a warmth, a glowing coal in the fire of the group heart. And then there are slogans that, through repetition, can acquire a mantric power to mesmerise followers by appealing to deep-seated (and unrecognized) fears and insecurities and thus subtly obscure a greater reality and truth. We might call them “spin” as they dizzy their hearers and turn truth into half-truth and even falsity. But their power is temporary.

During times of trial and testing, we are reminded of these seeds.

The sayings that live through generations are the ones that resonate through the heart, for such is the power of the heart to endure and to radiate the love that connects all things within the great Life we share. Such sayings might include: “love makes the world go ‘round”, “all you need is love”, “love conquers all”, or “love will find a way”. These endure because they hold the truth as the heart knows it, and carry the seeds of our true essence. During times of trial and testing, we are reminded of these seeds. They can burst into life when the form side of life is threatened or even destroyed.

In such times, material trappings and personal images are swept aside to reveal our essential humanity and the power of its heart.

As we watch wildfires rage uncontrollably across vast swathes of the planet, floods carry away whole villages, and a virus brings sickness and death while limiting access to the essential needs of living, we are also seeing the human heart working through the millions of fire-fighters, rescue workers, healthcare workers, aid agencies, friends and neighbours to bring help and ease to their fellow human beings, the animals and the environment. In such times, material trappings and personal images are swept aside to reveal our essential humanity and the power of its heart. We glimpse the truth that “God is love”. The enlightened heart recognizes the great awakening of the human heart that allows light to pour through into human consciousness and reveal truth.

Just as the sun is the heart of the system, the human heart is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; that is why the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly means to leave the heart out in the cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart comes alive, the need for the magnet’s warmth will make it shine forth like a true sun. It has been said: ‘Let your heart lead you in crossing Santana.’ That is how you can make the concept of the heart resistant to the cold. You can look upon the rhythm of the heart as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the Heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has felt astonishment at how a ray of the rising sun can instantly insulate everything from the cold. The heart can do the very same thing!
I am speaking of the warmth of the heart now that it is especially necessary. A thought surging forth in aspiration sets space on fire, while the warmth of the heart is a constant hearth. Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart—remember this! The manifestation of the dark forces acts like frost on a sown field. Only the heart’s warmth provides a radiant shield. But just as we conduct tests on light waves with delicate care, we should approach the heart with caution and solicitude.” Heart 62.

The sun is the heart of our system because it radiates the light that enables life. Inherent in the substance of that light is the purpose that brings everything into being in our world. The Tibetan Master explains:

It must ever be borne in mind that the great theme of LIGHT underlies our entire planetary purpose. The full expression of perfect LIGHT, occultly understood, is the engrossing life-purpose of our planetary Logos. Light is the great and obsessing enterprise in the three worlds of human evolution; everywhere men rate the light of the sun as essential to healthy living; some idea of the human urge to light can be grasped if you consider the brilliance of the physically engendered light in which we live when night arrives, and compare it with the mode of lighting the streets and homes of the world prior to the discovery of gas, and later of electricity. The light of knowledge, as the reward of educational processes, is the incentive behind all our great schools of learning in every country in the world and is the goal of much of our world organisation; the terminology of light controls even our computation of time. The mystery of electricity is unfolding gradually before our rapt eyes and the electrical nature of man is being slowly proven and will later demonstrate that, throughout the human structure and form, man is composed primarily of light atoms, and that the light in the head… is no fiction or figment of wishful thinking or of a hallucinated imagination, but is definitely brought about by the junction or fusion of the light inherent in substance itself and the light of the soul.
… light is a symptom and an expression of Life, and that essentially, occultly and in a most mysterious way the terms, Light and Life, are interchangeable within the limits of the planetary ring-pass-not. …Light can be regarded as a symptom, a reaction to the meeting and consequent fusion of spirit and matter.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 142-3

Light is essentially what we are: spirit expressing through form.

Light is essentially what we are: spirit expressing through form. As the light of realisation dawns in our hearts it illumines the light in all others until we see the great Hierarchy of Light which substands the material world. Surface appearances will then be seen as the ephemeral and temporal veils over an infinite, living universe of light.

It will also be shown that the soul itself is light, and that the entire Hierarchy is a great centre of light, causing the symbology of light to govern our thinking, our approach to God, and enabling us to understand somewhat the meaning of the words of Christ ‘I am the Light of the world.’ These words carry meaning to all true disciples and present them with an analogous goal which they define to themselves as that of finding the light, appropriating the light, and themselves becoming light-bearers. The theme of light runs through all the world Scriptures; the idea of enlightenment conditions all the training given to the youth of the world (limited though the application of this idea may be), and the thought of more light governs all the inchoate yearnings of the human spirit.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 143

Light reveals Truth, the truth of what we are…the one heart we share through the myriad of its reflections in a cosmic sea of light

Light reveals Truth, the truth of what we are in our beautiful essence as the poet, John Keats, wrote: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”. When we see through to the heart of the sayings and scriptures that have endured through time, we come to the inner beauty at the heart of every atom, the one heart we share through the myriad of its reflections in a cosmic sea of light:


I sought a soul in the sea
And found a coral there;
Beneath the foam for me
An ocean was all laid bare.

Into my heart’s night
Along a narrow way
I groped; and lo! the light,
An infinite land of day.
~ Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi


About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

One comment

  1. Heart opening and inspiring words.
    Thank you Judy

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