This is a 40 minute talk by the Rev. Joleen Du Bois, who is the President and founder of the White Mountain Education Association, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Agni Yoga Society of New York City.
Rev. Joleen finds it comforting to know that our world and our Humanity is run by God’s Board of Directors (The Hierarchy) and not by politicians!
She says that if Humanity wants the Hierarchy to externalise, then Humanity must externalise its Heart. There are Seven Principles of the Heart; Compassion, Solemnity, Joy, Justice, Inclusiveness (or Universality), Gratitude and Enthusiasm. These Seven Principles must be externalised in our life, in order to externalise our Heart.
Tags compassion enthusiasm Externalisation of the Hierarchy Externalising your Heart gratitude inclusiveness joy justice solemnity