Sunday , 16 March 2025
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Full Moon in Gemini December 15th 2024 – Pam Gregory

Pam says that 2025 is going to be an eventful and dynamic year, and during such a time, it can often feel like an overload. So, if it starts to feel that it is just all getting just too much, one of the most important things that you can do is to take a digital de-tox, away from news of what is going on, and switching instead from lower mind to Heart, and returning to stillness and inner Peace.
The coming year will be an enhanced opportunity to develop a deeper sense of our own divinity, partly through an improved connection to our Higher Mind. You may find that this demonstrates as enhanced intuitive abilities; if you give them free reign, they can bring to bear a significantly higher degree of awareness to the practical problems in life.
Pam indicates that so much of the dynamic and turbulent energy that is currently manifesting, is brought about because the old system is collapsing. The reason that the old system is collapsing is because of so much high frequency Light energy affecting the Earth, both old and new frequencies. Always the two different frequencies of energy cannot continue to co-exist in the same place, and the new and higher frequency eventually causes the older frequency to crumble.
Although this situation feels chaotic and conflicting at times, surprisingly, it actually provides the greatest opportunity for personal change. This is because you have so much “modelling clay” to work with, which can be utilised to bring about your own changes and creative opportunities.
Pam reminds us that these changes represent an inevitable evolutionary leap for mankind, one that cannot be stopped! The acorn will always turn into the oak tree, the caterpillar will always turn into the butterfly, the water-nymph will always turn into the dragonfly. This evolutionary leap is unstoppable, so join the leap with like-minded people!

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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