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Full SuperMoon in Taurus November 15th 2024 – Pam Gregory

Pam says that this time is very conducive to the letting go of that which we have already outgrown, but there will be at the same time the usual tendency to hold onto the familiar, or an endeavour to retain the status quo. Expect to see that conflict playing out, within yourself and in society around the world. One way to handle these difficult issues and the consequent need for letting go, is to try and see everything as being for your greater good, and then ask yourself the question; what is this teaching me? Or perhaps, what is this trying to make me see in my behaviour or my attitude? Once having obtained answers, appropriate adjustments can be made, and you can continue to evolve further. Pam says that she finds this attitude towards needed change really helpful. There are many events in the world today that create conflicting responses both within the individual and within society generally, and the usual response to this is anger, which creates more anger, often leading to placard-waving demonstrations and sometimes violence. However, Pam says that she senses a different paradigm emerging and growing in energy, where it becomes possible for a different response to arise. This is one which brings about sovereignty and inner authority, so that the individual, when focussed in the Centre of their being, is then broadcasting a vibration of quiet strength, which can be the catalyst for positive change; obviously, this is particularly effective when in like-minded groups. The paradigm shift is this; instead of the old understanding that everything comes at us, the new higher understanding is that everything actually comes from us, creating the circumstances that provide the opportunity to choose the new way, instead of the old habit.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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