Thursday , 20 February 2025
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Heartfelt Gratitude

On behalf of the three groups – Cygnet Centre for Peacebuilding and Transformation (Australia), The Hill Center for Peacebuilding (USA) and Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service, (Australia) – and inspired by the WWII Silent Minute to create the Global Silent Minute, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual and group who has cooperated with us to bring Humanity to a pivotal moment on 21 December 2019 at 9:00pm GMT.

Whether you:

  • translated a flyer, bookmark, audio-visual clip
  • designed artwork, created memes, social media banners
  • built and/or enhanced and expanded resources on the websites
  • created and administered the Global Silent Minute Facebook group
  • shared the flyer, a card, bookmarks, a post, a meme with a friend or stranger
  • uploaded a clip to YouTube
  • shared information with a neighbour or your extensive networks
  • played and recorded the beautiful bells used for the Global Silent Minute
  • brought blessings and endorsements through your contacts
  • contributed the resources of your time, talents and/or finances
  • subjectively held the space for this event to unfold in purity
  • held a dedicated focus on Silence in the lead up to the Global Silent Minute
  • partnered with us to create a one hour live Facebook event “wrapped around” the Global Silent Minute that meant it took a quantum leap in its reach to millions
  • and, most essentially, provided the gift of your spirit in your participation in the Global Silent Minute

For these gifts we express our deep gratitude.  We know that millions of hearts have been touched by this initiative and, although the founding three groups take responsibility for the custodianship of the event, we recognise that it has a life of its own that involves shared responsibility and distributed leadership with all who resonate to the call.

Stories of the Global Silent Minute

There are a myriad of wonderful stories that have been shared with us as to what, where and how people experienced the actual Global Silent Minute.

People participated in groups gathered physically and in cyberspace. See the Facebook Live Event from Lucis Trust, New York,  Note that this link includes many presentations at the launch of the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers.  Steve Nation introduces Dot Maver at 5:13:17 where she takes everyone through the context, history, preparation and actual Global Silent Minute.  The one hour Facebook Live Event “wrapped around” this transmission went live via Shift Network through the Synergized Impact Network Exchange (SINE) – a great demonstration of extraordinary cooperation.

Here are a few Stories from members of the Global Silent Minute Facebook community:

  • First post from a member in New Zealand:

“Kia Ora from Aotearoa/New Zealand where our waka Ama club (outrigger canoe) took out 4 x 6 seater Waka out into the deep waters off Nelson. We rafted up and moved with the gentle swell of the ocean. We had flowers to float in the water. We started with a karakia – blessing, observed the one minute of silence with the only sound being sea birds suddenly whirling around above us. After the silence, we sang a waiata (Māori song), and paddled on in unison and felt moved. Thank you for this opportunity”.

  • From the Chalice Well Gardens at Glastonbury:

Gathered around the Well head at Chalice Well, for 9 pm, the rain came to wash away any lasting negativity, from under our umbrellas we stood in Silence, in Unity and the Light Souls rose high above us, emanating a Rose Gold hue, expanding and merging their energy to fall to earth with the raindrops, soaking the earth, travelling our waterways, entering every living organism.”

  • From Florida, USA

“It was a minute, a minute that held the heart of humanity. In that minute millions of souls around the world gathered to bring forth a peace that seemed to be sorely missing on our planet. At 61 seconds, a feeling of peace descended on me, from source, from all time. I felt this love, this peace, and watched as it bathed our beloved planet in a warm embrace. I knew in that moment we were all going to be okay. May Peace Prevail on Earth”.

  • And another first post:

“Having participated in the Silent Minute yesterday, I awoke this morning — and I felt a shift. Whether it is inside of me or if it’s a shift in our world’s consciousness – something is different. Can anybody else say they feel something also? (It feels REALLY good.)”


So what happened during the exact same minute of Silence?

The consistent theme was that a portal was opened to reveal a strong and direct channel between the invisible and visible worlds; between the mighty army of co-workers on the other side of the veil with those currently in incarnation; and between the apparent division within us of the eternal and temporal. It is a portal of opportunity for cooperation, collaboration and communion that cannot be closed.  There’s a sense that greater clarity and purity will be brought to the distinctions that will assist in the passing of the Piscean Age as greater discernment is brought to articulating the continually emerging constructive roots of the Aquarian Age. It brings to mind a quote from the ancient Scriptures which conveys the truth of new rhythms emerging where objective results are produced by an inner growth and not by outer activity.

“When the sun progresses into the mansion of the serving man, the way of life takes the place of the way of work.  Then the tree of life grows until its branches shelter all the sons of men.  The Building of the Temple and the carrying of the stones cease.  The growing trees are seen; the buildings disappear.  Let the sun pass into its appointed place, and in this day and generation attend ye to the roots of growth”. A Treatise of White Magic, pp425-426

Such was the potency of the inflow of energy at the moment of the Global Silent Minute that it may take some time as we absorb the experience and reflect in deep Silence on its impact as we attend to the roots of new growth.

That being said, so magnetic was the moment that immediately after the event, Global Silent Minute was contacted, invited and agreed to partner with 7 Days of Rest and Radiant Diversity January 1-7, 2020 where – at the opening ceremony and each day at 9pm GMT – we hosted a Global Silent Minute.

The accumulated realisation from participating in the daily rhythm of the Global Silent Minute within the 7 Days of Rest has been the anchoring of a new rhythm in a New Year and a New Era. It’s a rhythm which invites us to recalibrate as citizens not just of the planet, but within the Cosmos.

Where to from here?

The Global Silent Minute Facebook Community which began less than 2 months ago now numbers over 9,500 members with more requests to join each day.  Clearly the community is wanting an ongoing engagement.  Today we have changed the Facebook banner to invite members to continue the daily practice of one minute of Silence – the same minute everywhere – calibrated to 9:00pm GMT.

We invite everyone to continue the Global Silent Minute as a daily practice of connecting at the exact same time – globally – to meet in the Silence of this space, this portal, as we embed this new rhythm.

To assist this process we have created a clip so people may easily time the minute of Silence.

This recording begins with an Elephant Temple Bell.

Why a bell?  A bell is said to calls us home.  Thich Nhat Hahn says: “Listen, listen, this wonderful sound brings me back to my true self”.  And the deep meaning of the bell offers humanity the opportunity to realise our relationship with and within Cosmos as we listen and embrace the Great Silence of the Cosmic Bell that rings through our planetary bell, Mount Kailas known in Tibet as the Mountain of the Bell; as we experience at-one-ment with this Silence as it reverberates through the bell within us.

Following the minute of Silence, a Tibetan bowl will sound twelve times, bringing us gently back to the present knowing that we have served as a chalice, accumulating energies for distribution on behalf of the common good.

All you need to do is to press play 20 seconds prior to 9:00PM GMT calibrated to your local time-zone and enter the Silence.  A time Zone converter is at: 

Blessings for 2020 as we discern the beautiful Truth of Humanity’s destiny as it rings through us.

We want to express our deep gratitude to Wellesley Tudor Pole for nurturing the seed for the Silent Minute that was born on a battlefield outside Jerusalem in WWI when one comrade recognised, the night before he transitioned, that there was a great opportunity for cooperation between the worlds through those in incarnation harnessing the power of Silence.

Gratitude to all for your gifts of Spirit and participation as the path of the Global Silent Minute continues to reveal itself in the Silence.

If you would like to share your experience with the Global Silent Minute we’d love to hear from you.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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