Friday , 14 March 2025
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The Great Life of theUniverse
Photo: Rodion Kutsaev

We are the same Divine Essence as the Great Life of the Universe

…we belong to the human family and to God

As we approach the time of year when millions around the world celebrate Christmas, a season of birth and rebirth in the cave of the heart, we are reminded of how a tiny baby born in the humblest circumstances brought such a powerful presence into the world that it has reverberated through the centuries and continues to influence and uplift us as we grow in our understanding of the message conveyed through his living presence and words. By living in human form, he showed us that we belong to the human family and to God, the Father of all. He said:

I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” John 14:20.

Later St Paul would remind us:

Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27.

There is a power within that carries us onward

No matter how unaware we may be of our Soul, the inner Christ, it is hard to deny that there is something in us that persists even if we feel powerless and fearful. There is a power within that carries us onward, however hesitantly or hastily we respond. Christ appeared in the world to remind us of this more permanent and enduring aspect within ourselves. We can consciously enter into soul being when we shift our focus out of the partisan pull of the many views, assumptions and beliefs swirling through the field of human consciousness. Our true being has a vaster and more synthetic perspective and sees clearly through and beyond the chaotic confusion stirred up by the breakdown of the norms of a passing civilisation as its limitations are revealed and we realise its effects in climate change, a constantly mutating virus, and uprisings of desperate people.

It comes as a rhythmic reminder to live from within the temple of the Heart

Christmas reminds us of belonging, of family and of the power of the heart. It comes as a rhythmic reminder to live from within the temple of the Heart and direct the power of our thought to the construction of the new thoughtform of human living, one of finer and vaster scope. Then, as we expand our thought into the future, we may find that we share the same vision in whose light all divisive illusions are dissolved.

We can…expand our thinking to grow with the grace and beauty of the Cosmos.

There is an exchange between us and what our thought is directed towards – and we are changed by it. We can be reduced by fear, doubt and anger or expand our thinking to grow with the grace and beauty of the Cosmos. One way shrinks us into our smallest self, the other is the way of the heart which expands into all that is through a magical process of radiatory substitution. And our spiritual Elders are ever ready to guide us on this way of the heart:

For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant in the time of the Great Darkness.
It is true—
I have confided much to you,
I have given you dates and warnings,
I have granted you the possibility of victory,
And I have revealed to you the secrets of Our Decisions.

You can conquer and attain enlightenment,
But give to Me your offering.

If you are afraid,
Give Me your fear.

If you are in doubt,
Give Me your doubt.

If you are angry,
Give Me your anger.

And if you give Me a handful of trivial objects,
I will also accept these dusty playthings and recast them in My Tower.

True, if you wish again to make use of your gift in your life,
Do not forget how unworthy is s/he who takes back what s/he has once given.

Thus, I have accepted your fear and your doubt and your anger—this is for Me.
And for you I give the path to the Light.
For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant in the time of the Great Darkness— before the New Dawn”. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, Shloka 371

We are best…when we think in and through the heart

We have been given the divine gift of thought, and it is a great power. Thought builds the worlds – it is the mechanism through which divine purpose is carried out. As thinkers, we are the agents of that purpose which is glorious beyond our current imagining. We are best agents when we think in and through the heart, for therein is the source of our human power:

Thought is sometimes represented as an arrow. The impetuousness of the energy is the wings of humanity.” AUM Shloka 598

…how much more powerful is thinking in the heart and reflecting the heart of God!

The heart is the point of living connection with the heart in all else and so is like a fragment of the one great heart as it reflects through all the little hearts. It reflects the heart of God. While thinking with the reasoning mind may solve mechanical problems and build the structures of human civilisations, how much more powerful is thinking in the heart and reflecting the heart of God! It embraces all that can be known. We are told that

…in the New Era thought means Space! That is why we must not think personally but spatially.” Heart, Shloka 54

If we are changed according to what we think on, how powerfully transformative is thinking in the heart of all that is in the Cosmos.

…Let us recognize what man receives from even one approach to the far-off worlds. Such an approach separates man from all that is low. A single vision of the distant worlds is enough to transform one’s entire life. To understand even a particle of life in the other worlds is to acquire a vivid remembrance forever. Such an approach is already an illumination of the consciousness. …Even the smallest approaches to spatial thought should be valued. In place of mistrust and denials, let the chords of the distant worlds resound…” AUM, Shloka 18

…we are…of the same divine essence as the great Life of the Universe

Let us celebrate this season of birth by remembering that we are not limited within our worldly vehicles but are of the same divine essence as the great Life of the Universe, for how else can our hearts and minds embrace it in thought? This poem, by David Whyte, is published in the latest Kosmos Journal and carries us on its thoughtful arrows into an expanding future.

What to Remember When Waking
You are not a troubled guest on this earth,
you are not an accident amidst other accidents
you were invited from another and greater night
than the one from which you have just emerged.
Now, looking through the slanting light of the morning window
toward the mountain presence of everything that can be
what urgency calls you to your one love?
What shape waits in the seed of you
to grow and spread its branches
against a future sky?

* * * * * *

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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