Wednesday , 25 September 2024
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Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces September 17-18th 2024 – Pam Gregory

In this 42 minute video, Pam says that the months of September, October, November and December, are all full of HUGE, colourful and dramatic astrology, which we will all be living through. The energies are really ramping up, because we are in a phenomenally accelerated period for humanity – no rehearsal – just full steam ahead. She says that it is best to try and be detached from all the drama. You may sense that it feels like old energy just playing out, so it will probably attract less and less of your interest and attention. If you can get to that perspective, that will be wonderful, because we need to use all of our available energy to lock on to our docking station of Love, Joy, Compassion, Gratitude and Peace.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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