Next Online Full Moon Meditation meeting:
Tuesday 11th February 2025 6:30am AEDT
(Time in Melbourne, Australia)
(10th February in Europe, USA and South Africa)
- If the above full moon meeting time does not suit you, please consider the online meditation meetings with Sydney Goodwill.
If you would like to participate in a Full Moon meditation, but are unable to do so in the physical, please join our online Full Moon meditation meetings.
Please join us for this Meditation supporting Humanity on its Path in these turbulent times.
In this meditation, and beyond, we are :
Serving humanity by bringing Synthesis energies into our daily lives, our own environment – and with it lift humanity into the Consciousness of Souls, of the Ashramic group life.
You are warmly invited to join us at the times shown above.
How to Join the Meeting
Joining the meeting via Zoom is simple. Please click on the link below to join us:
No password is required.
Morning meetings:
This means evenings for Europe and daytime for the Americas.
Seed thought
The seed thought for your contemplation and meditation for this celebration of the Festival in Aquarius in February is:-
“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”
Times and reminders
Please go to to convert the date and time in Melbourne Australia to your nearest city.
Add a reminder to your calendar
Please convert the above meeting time and date to your time zone, and add a reminder to your calendar.
How to Join the Meeting
Click on the link below to join us:
No password is required.
If you need additional information, please contact Margrit on [/highlight]
Or join by phone:
+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll
Meeting ID: 604 975 123
International numbers available:
This meditation is supporting Humanity on its Path.
Please forward this link to anyone you think may be interested.I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.” With Love
Mailing list & monthly reminders
To contact me, or get added to my mailing list for a reminder each month, email me at
What time is the meeting in my time zone?
How long does the meeting last?
What if I'm running late? Or need to leave early?
Do I need to download anything onto my computer before joining the meeting?
This file is not large and the download is quick.
Are there any technical requirements?
What is Zoom?
Will it costs me something?
There may be a cost if you choose to connect via the telephone.
Hey. Would love to join in via on line how can I make this possible
Hi Edwina
The next online meeting is on Saturday 28th July at 8pm.
You can join online via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android: and follow the prompts. (This link is published in the post above).
You can also email Margrit on and ask her to add you to her mailing list for reminders.
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