…daily living has become a more precarious experience.
The human heart can go the lengths of God…
Dark and cold we may be, but this
Is no winter now. The frozen misery
Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul we ever took.Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise
Is exploration into God…From the poem ‘Sleep of Prisoners’ by Christopher Fry (1907 – 2005)
What occurs anywhere in our world resounds through the whole.
Today the increasing precariousness of living requires increased mindfulness. In his latest blog post David Spangler reflects on mindfulness and extends it into an experience of the heart:
One benefit of mindfulness is that it draws your attention to the present moment. So often our thoughts go to the future or the past, and our awareness of the present gets squeezed and constricted between remembering and anticipating. Yet, it is in the present that we find our power. I cannot act in the future or in the past; the former has yet to materialize and exists only in imagination; the latter is over and exists in memory. It’s in the present that I can summon the wholeness of my being into action. Even as basic an action as simply being aware in the moment makes my surroundings and my presence in them come alive, opening possibilities that I might miss otherwise. …Heartfulness, though, focuses on the “other” and what I might add to their life or beingness in the moment.
… Mindfulness makes me aware of the moment. Heartfulness makes me aware that I am part of a living community all around me, one with which I can commune and relate, especially through love. …So much of what divides us at the moment and generates conflict exists on the level of concepts, ideas, and perceptions. They are conflicts of the mind, of misinformation, of “fake news,” of propaganda and deceit. Perhaps in heartfulness we can find the bridges over the chasms that thoughts are creating.” David Spanglerhttps://lorian.org/community/category/David%27s+Desk
…the heart is the portal for the soul to shine into the world
…advocacy groups for the vulnerable, increasingly carry out the intent of the heart.
…every living being or manifested life—from the planetary Logos down to the tiniest atom—either has been, is, or will be a man [human being]. This has reference to the past, to the present and to the future of every manifested life. Therefore, the fact of humanity and of that for which humanity stands is probably the primary and major aspect of the divine purpose. Pause and think about this statement. It is, therefore, the first clear fact which indicates the measure and the magnitude of a human being; …Everything subhuman is slowly moving towards a definite human experience; it is also passing through the phase of human effort and consequent experience, or else it has moved out of that phase of limitation and—through initiation—is drafting human nature into a state of divinity…
The keynote, therefore, of the Lord of the World is HUMANITY for it is the basis, the goal and the essential inner structure of all being. Humanity itself is the key to all evolutionary processes and to all correct understanding of the divine Plan, expressing in time and space the divine Purpose. Why HE chose that this should be so, we know not; but it is a point to be accepted and remembered …because it is the factor that makes relationship and contact possible and it is also the source of all understanding. …only the penetrating intuition can make these matters clearer…” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, page 126-7
The intuitive heart is the steady ship that sails the turbulence of oceans and knows its way home.
Lovely Thankyou Judy ❤️
Thank you 💖