Thursday , 26 September 2024
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The Formless God – a video by Monadic Media

This superbly illustrated 17 minute video is apparently based upon a discourse given by Sathya Sai Baba, and it truly represents a universal understanding of the nature of our formless God. The video presents a Sufi quote; “When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the Soul laughs for what it has found”, which I think captures what is happening in the world today. Much is being lost in the material realm, but that emphasizes the gains being made in the new understanding and Soul-consciousness of the new Earth. Formlessness clearly does not mean non-existence!

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

One comment

  1. Birgitta Svahnstrom

    Thank you for a beautiful Full Moon meditation and for this lovely message. I am so happy to be able to join you timewise in the meditation.
    We are entering even more chaotic times in September so we will need to trust and carry our torches of Light high and visible to the world of men looking for solace. Sydney Goood Will isdoing just that!
    Much Love,

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