Monday , 10 March 2025
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Remember. Nicholas Roerich 1924

The Healing Power and Intimacy of Silence

The astrological keynote for the sign of Cancer is “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.

At this time of the year as the sun passes through the sign of Cancer, the waves of inflowing energies facilitate Humanity’s construction and residing within the lighted house of Being as we are increasingly sensitised to the shift of anchoring a new balance between the force of gravity and the experience of the lightness of being – or levity.

And we do so as we enter the Silence and it enters us as we re-connect with the wholeness of being.

In the superb book, Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness, its author Robert Sardello devotes a chapter to the healing power of Silence. He writes:

Silence heals. It does so differently than other kinds of healing. This healing does not involve manipulation of subtle energies. It also does not involve the electromagnetic currents of the body, and while the chakras may be involved, they are not the focus.  The healing of Silence does not carry a medical intent; that is, its function does not centre on the rapid removal of symptoms. To understand this modality of healing, we have to turn away from our understanding that healing functions as a medicine, and that it cannot occur without the intervention of someone trained in one or another tradition of healing.  Silence is self-healing. It is a process in which a direct and non mediated connection is made between the forces and inner currents that join the invisible worlds of Silence and the tangibility of our bodily presence and being. …The healing currents of Silence are intrinsic to Silence itself, integral to its very nature.[i]

Any symptoms of illness may be a call to the rejuvenating self-healing power of Silence; a call to re-balance gravity (in the world) and levity (yet not of the world); a call to true destiny; a call to our individual wholeness within the whole of Life.

To enter the Silence is to re-member the world of wholeness and this entry invites us into the Silence at the heart of every cell of our body where we re-member that our body is not completely our own but is inextricably and intimately woven within the fabric of Life.

In an earlier chapter of Sardello’s book, entitled “Entering the Silence”, he speaks of the intimacy of Silence.  He says:

The most basic experience of Silence is intimacy.  We feel an intimacy with the world, as if we are within everything around us rather than behind or alongside things that we are then looking at. This mantle of touch brings us to the living truth of our being. We know who we are, in a completely non-self conscious way. We feel how we, in our individuality, are part of a vast and mysterious world process.  And when we cultivate Silence to the point that we are consciously within it rather than imagining that it is in us, we cannot be other than we are.  The imagination of it being within us emanates from the loss of the touch of Silence, for without this intimate touch we too easily think we are whatever we want to be or others want us to be. Silence keeps us intimately bound with the truth of our being, constantly conveying to us in a bodily way that our individual and unique presence as soul, spirit, and body intermingles with the world and, at the same time, lives a free and independent existence.[ii]

In the sign of Cancer as we build the lighted house within ourselves, communities and, indeed, our planetary body, let us also reflect on a new period that is dawning – a period of what is referred to in Agni Yoga Teachings as “earthly homelessness” – when the boundaries of countries are erased as Humanity weaves and lives into being a new “Light-bearing” raiment. [iii]

[i] Sardello, R. (2008) Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness, North Atlantic Books, p 67
[ii] Ibid, pp 36-37
[iii] Inspired by Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 318.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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