Sunday , 2 February 2025
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Love Dissolves All Barriers
This is a statue of The Coming One - Lord Maitreya. It is 106 feet tall, built at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the Himalayas, near the 14th century Diskit Monastery in Ladakh, Northern India, and is facing towards Pakistan, with the specific purpose of helping to maintain peace between Pakistan and India, and throughout the world. The statue was generated largely from local donations, and was consecrated by the Dalai Lama in 2010.

The Love That Dissolves All Barriers

While the recent tragedy in Manchester brings yet more shock and grief into the world, what comes most powerfully to the fore is the unifying outpouring of heart-response – from the homeless man donating blood as the one thing he had to offer, to the groups gathering in solidarity no matter each one’s religion, racial background, political ideology or social standing. It is as though we are cutting through all the overlays of a civilisation which is dissolving, transforming and re-establishing on a new bedrock of our shared humanity and its mighty heart through which life-empowering strength, light and love are shared and directed instantly as need invokes.

We are realising the power within – our essential divine nature, by whatever name we may call it – the source of all that is good, true and beautiful.

We are realising the power within – our essential divine nature, by whatever name we may call it – the source of all that is good, true and beautiful. This is so wonderfully illustrated through the Hunger Project and its method of facilitating changes in mindset which then express through creative solutions to hunger and poverty. As Rowlands Kaotcha explains in an eight-minute video (see:

A mindset could be like: “Every time I try to do something, it fails. I’m not that lucky – that other person is luckier than I am.”… [or] “You know what? – I’m born in the wrong side of the world. I wish I was born in such and such a place.”
[on the other hand] A mindset could be: “You know what? I have the ability, I have the capacity. I can do it. I can change the world, I can change my life.”
The person who is in the situation of hunger and poverty – that person is actually the primary resource we need for the end of hunger and poverty. We need the person in that hungry situation to know and believe in themselves that we can end our own hunger and poverty. We can drive our change process.”Rowlands Kaotcha

The effectiveness of their Five Stage program is illustrated by the inspiring results in two of the communities whose commitment to changing their mindset from resignation and despair to a sense of positive empowerment has brought increasing abundance and the heartening joy of sharing it. Rowlands Kaotcha leaves us with this uplifting prospect:

How much more could we achieve if we have the right mindset to make the world better? When you look at change from outside, when you look at change as a far-fetched thing, it becomes so scary it’s sometimes impossible for you to imagine that. But when you realise that actually change is so close to us, it starts from within. Then you discover that anything, any problem we are facing in this world – issues of peace, issues of hunger, issues of failure of community, issues of failure of relationships, issues of belonging, all those things are issues that can change.”Rowlands Kaotcha

And just as the universe is expanding into infinity so the human heart is expanding. Its capacity is infinite.

And change is constantly moving through everything – we have but to attune to its divine cause and flow with it. Nothing is constant in the world of form except our point of being and seeing. Our own physical bodies are continuously renewing themselves; subatomic particles are appearing, disappearing and translocating according to laws that we are still trying to fathom; we live on a planet that is revolving and moving through space in a great spiral as the Universe itself expands, creates new stars and systems out of the dust of old ones in constant renewal and evolution. And just as the universe is expanding into infinity so the human heart is expanding. Its capacity is infinite. It can embrace our nearest loved ones, extended and adopted families, nations of birth and residence, humanity as a whole and, increasingly, all the natural kingdoms of Earth which sustain us and our world: the exquisite and mysterious mineral kingdom; the plant kingdom with its sustaining food and uplifting beauty; the animal kingdom whose heart beats in rhythm with our own.

When we hold all of this in our heart and in our care, we realise it is a part of us, of who we are – nothing is separate. The elastic heart is always able to stretch to embrace more and more of the beauty and wonder of the Universe. And often it is not until we have embraced it, that we become open to its true beauty and power.

We live and move and have our being within a great invocative/evocative Life

Within that mighty heart everything flows as need invokes or radiates its call, and so evokes heart response. We live and move and have our being within a great invocative/evocative Life in which all that sustains and protects the evolving inner presence is at call – not separate but as available as is the sunshine to the young seedling rising to meet its light and warmth. In this vibrant, living context a heart-felt call radiates and magnetically draws to itself that which it calls forth. It is a deep inherent relationship between the part and the whole – because the part is an atom of that greater Life, and gains access to the whole of that Life as it becomes increasingly open and sensitive to It. The Tibetan Master tells us that this:

… higher sensitivity…has been…defined as something akin to ‘immersion in a realised state of Being,’ because the initiate is a conscious aspect of that of which he forms an integral part.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 723

It is through the heart that all becomes accessible, for it is the point where all worlds meet.

…You should first of all remind people how important the heart is as a unifier of the worlds. Is the fire of the heart any different from the very Fire of Space? …” Heart, sloca 73

…for the affirmation of New Covenants the Giving Hand and the receiving one are unified. People think too little about this sacred bond. The unification of the Worlds can take place only in this manner. The Visible World and the Invisible can find a living application only when a bond is affirmed…” Fiery World III, sloca 133

Life flows through the heart – between the worlds, Invisible and visible, Supermundane and mundane, divine and manifest. In our system God is Love as we know from the Bible:

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” John 4:7-8

We are now entering the time when the unfolding realization is that “The kingdom of God is within [us]” as the Bible records:

…when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21

Love is the life-force that empowers everything in our world from the tiny cells constellating together in their DNA dance, to the Lord of the World drawing us into conscious communion through the heart.

…we are consciously participating in and facilitating that great Life cycle that is uniting the worlds, opening the way for the Christ to reappear in our more familiar world

As we participate in World Invocation Day, the Christ’s own Festival, we are consciously participating in and facilitating that great Life cycle that is uniting the worlds, opening the way for the Christ to reappear in our more familiar world because we have entered the more subtle realms of the heart, the soul, to meet His return. We are told that the Gemini Full Moon is the time of year when the Forces of Light make Their closest approach to humanity. At this time the Christ Himself dons an energetic frequency of closest resonance to that of the advanced members of the human kingdom in an effort to penetrate persistent veils and barriers to His presence. The consistency of His efforts, particularly since 1945, has produced a cumulative effect that is now approaching a kindling point that will result in the breakthrough that many are eagerly anticipating.

As the spiral of evolution moves onward we are now entering the Age wherein Christ as the Bearer of Life more abundant comes to pour it forth for all

Two thousand years ago the Master Jesus demonstrated Christ’s Presence within the context of the Piscean Age wherein sensitivity and devotion to the divine was developed. He opened up the way of the heart. As the spiral of evolution moves onward we are now entering the Age wherein Christ as the Bearer of Life more abundant comes to pour it forth for all – from God Transcendent through God immanent, the spark within us all. This time Christ’s return into the outer plane of living will be more than one magnetic demonstration – it is the inauguration of a whole new civilisation in which the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of our world will gradually descend with Him from the spiritual realms of infinite Love, bringing that Love into the world of form.

It is the love that dissolves all barriers and borders

We have invoked Them. Are we prepared to meet Them, to be in the Presence of such powerful love? Can we raise our point of living to meet, heart-to-heart, our beloved Elder Brothers? For this is the way by which They come – through a love that flows so potently that nothing other can intervene or inhibit. It is the love that dissolves all barriers and borders which cannot exist within its flow. And the Master reassures us:

Love Me, for love multiplies your strength.
Love is My Shield.
My Smile will bring you light.
Cherish the manifestations of blissful communion.” ~ Leaves of Morya’s Garden, I 37

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“Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it.”

~ Rabindranath Tagore

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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