Thursday , 13 March 2025
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Themes for 2023 from Pam Gregory

In this 53-minute video, Pam Gregory discusses the unfolding themes for 2023.

Pam says that 2023 will be a very different year from the last three, and is a huge turning point for humanity. It is likely to be a somewhat chaotic and faster moving year, a year of endings and beginnings, leading to a much more community-minded and loving world.

She also says that technology is likely to make massive jumps, but so is our consciousness, and that is one of the big game-changers.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

One comment

  1. wow, this so coincides with my work studying social evolution for the past 20 years. So many of the themes I have watched emerge. As Eric Weiner says, “we are living in a chink of time when the old order has crumbled and the new one is not yet cemented.” There is order emerging out of the chaos – very clearly. I have identified over 200 movements that represent the themes presented here and also see the sub-cultures of indigenous people, highly sensitive people and crone energy all playing important roles in the next era. Very validating to watch this.

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