Monday , 10 March 2025
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Creating a World Through a Wise Heart

As our world accelerates into a new turn in the upward spiral of its life expression, we may also experience a backwards pull from deep attachments to the known and familiar, like the tug of an outgoing tide. These opposing forces play out through many aspects of our living, and we may find ourselves taking sides in any number of contests and conflicts. And, in the fog of half-truths, slogans and even misinformation used to rationalise each partisan view, we can easily miss the greater truth as it becomes scattered throughout the different points of view like partial reflections in a broken mirror. It can seem as though we are only seeing “through a glass darkly” whenever these reflections distract us from the greater movement of the Life of our Earth, the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.

Amidst the plethora of perspectives and opinions we might wonder: what is the truth?

Amidst the plethora of perspectives and opinions we might wonder: what is the truth? Looking around, it’s clear that one individual’s truth can be quite different to another’s. From a larger viewpoint, we find that the higher truth is reflected in each lesser “truth” but is distorted by the incompleteness of the reflection. To see clearly and truly requires that we rise into a higher and more inclusive point of view, into an expanded sense of identity and a vaster perspective wherein the higher truths can be recognised. There we may find the courage to serve Truth. In the Agni Yoga teachings is written:

The Bliss manifested on the Heavenly Heights will bestow courage upon the legion of warriors for Truth. Truth is veiled in symbols. The mind cannot comprehend their relevance to life, and their meaning must be revealed by everyday events. People need familiar images, and by these images is the spirit uplifted to its True Dwelling.” Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 130

Today we are seeing how distortions of truth play out globally.

Today we are seeing how distortions of truth play out globally. Whatever occurs locally has repercussions around the world as response and reaction reveal ever more of the truth behind promulgated accounts. Events are larger and more widespread than ever before – such as the pandemic, extreme weather events, and misuse of the internet through data manipulation and espionage. Their impact cannot be hidden and instead brings to light situations that have been overlaid with misinformation spun according to ambition for power and wealth. Ordinary citizens are becoming aware of the truth behind the spin and are realising their responsibility in bringing about the needed changes that compassionate hearts know are essential if we are to reflect our true nature as souls.

Ultimately the world we see is the one we create.

Ultimately the world we see is the one we create. If we see divisions, we will create a broken world. If we see a world and its inhabitants unfolding into a newer and finer phase of expression, we will participate in the creation of a new world of refined beauty, love and all-inclusive, interconnected and interdependent living – a world created through the wise heart. The further we can see, the more the Divine Plan is revealed working out through our planet. We learn the significance of the first Point of Revelation: “Energy follows thought and the eye directs the energy”. The Tibetan Master explains:

We are to concern ourselves with…the revelation which comes to the disciple as he stands within the ashram and perceives…the nature of the divine Plan, as it can be seen working out on various planes of our planetary existence. There are three things which [he] notes as the new panorama unfolds in flashing light before him:
1. The point of tension which precedes revelation…
2. The stillness by which the revealing vision is surrounded… The revelation is given to [him] as if there was nothing in all the world but himself (a point of tension) and a vortex of force which takes form before his eyes, revealing to him an inevitable but future activity.
3. The level upon which the revelation (apprehended at the highest possible point of consciousness) must eventually be materialised or brought into being.”
Discipleship in the New Age, vol II, Page 372

What are we focussed on?

The power of resonance pervades the Cosmos and underpins the creative process wherever we focus our consciousness. Our attention is automatically drawn to that with which we resonate, and so draws us to participate in its creative expression. We might then ask: from what point of identified being are we directing our gaze? What are we focussed on?

From our highest point of consciousness, we can see the whole laid out clearly before us like a vista from a mountain top.

From our highest point of consciousness, we can see the whole laid out clearly before us like a vista from a mountain top. The darker valleys that divide us as we cling to familiar attachments shrink in that vast expanse and release their hold. Through magnetic resonance, we are eventually drawn into the pull of the Greater Life, the mighty Magnet that pervades the Cosmos. As we shift into our highest and truest Self, our hearts awaken to its Presence and become attuned to the harmony and rhythm of the universe. This then expresses through our creative nature – through all we are, think, feel, and do. In the Agni Yoga teachings, we are reminded that:

Eternally attractive is the force of the Cosmic Magnet! Once having realized the power of this manifested truth, the spirit immediately releases itself from weighty thought of being lost in space. Having learned how to attune to the consonance of the Magnet, humanity will become affirmed in this inexhaustible attraction.
This scope may be realized as the manifestation of the best-blended power, which unfolds through the full radiance of the beauty of ascent. By this greatest Magnet may one be affirmed upon the ever-growing summits of Eternity.” Infinity I, 121

From this perspective, we see clearly “face to face” with a greater and more inclusive reality.

Whatever could pull us back into the turbulence of fear and despair dissolves in the dynamic stillness of that Presence which pervades the Cosmos right through to the heart of every atom. From this perspective, we see clearly “face to face” with a greater and more inclusive reality. The battle is not with one another but in transcending our lesser selves. As we rise above our apparent differences, we realise that they are the varied expressions of our shared identity as Souls. We discover that we are never really “lost in space”. And as we enter increasingly into our soul being, we find we are always guided along the way by Those great Souls Who have travelled further into Light. The more we enable the light of our own soul to shine in the world the closer these enlightened Guides approach.

From a point of inner stillness and in the silence of knowing, we can see and serve this great transition into a new and beautiful phase of our planetary Life.

Try another way of looking. Try you looking and the whole universe seeing. ~Rumi

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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Thank you Judy, beautiful and inspiring article.
    Love Morgana

  2. Miriam Jane Purkiss

    Judy my dear this is inspirational. You describe the cosmic magnet I sense in my life & not he intentional community in which I live, with such depth & clarity. It is calling ever more insistently to our World.

    • mm

      Thank you, dear Jane, for this wonderful response! It is deeply heartening. I agree – the cosmic magnet is pulling ever more strongly and drawing us through these turbulent times of transition into a new and better era.
      In all love,

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