Those who are awakening… are now seeing clearly the breaking down of all that formed part of the age now ending.
So, as the old comes to an end… a battle is waging between the progressive forces of light and the oppressive forces of darkness.
Can one build life amidst the hatred that prevails at the end of Kali Yuga? But the complete task of the future Satya Yuga must be expressed now, amidst today’s animosity and destruction.” Agni Yoga, sloka 511
The dying out of generations of human and animal life, as well as the depletion of nature’s generative forces, indicates the end of the Kali Yuga. This process is taking place before your very eyes, but only a few people take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation.” Heart, sloka 474
Thus one can see the end of Kali Yuga. It depends upon humanity where will be the beginning of Satya Yuga. We know that Satya Yuga is preordained, but its location and conditions may differ. My warriors, I can assemble you according to usefulness and devotion.” Hierarchy, sloka 118
Where the heart directs thought a divine expression comes into being
Sūrya-Vidyā, the Solar Knowledge—this was a name sometimes given to the Teaching of the Heart, a name that expressed the fieriness, the sun-like quality, and the centrality of the heart. In fact, anyone who wishes to get to know the heart cannot just approach it as a part of the organism. First of all the seeker should recognize the central nature of the heart and study outward from it, not inward toward it. The solar plexus will be the antechamber for the Temple of the Heart. The Kundalini will be a laboratory for the heart. The brain and all the nerve centers will be estates for the heart, because nothing can live without the heart!
… the heart stands as the Temple of humanity. One cannot conceive of the unification of humanity by means of the brain or the Kundalini, but the radiance of the heart can bring together the most seemingly diverse organisms, and even work over great distances in doing so. This experiment of bringing together hearts over long distances is waiting for workers to carry it out.
The wish to launch lengthy experiments is perfectly correct, because through them one can create another bond between the generations. Heart, 339
We are… learning the new disciplines of soul being.
Have you ever thought, my brother, that just as there is a discipline of pain and of sorrow, there may also be a discipline of joy and of achievement? This is a thought worthy of attention. Men need these days to learn this new truth, and its perception will greatly change human consciousness. That which is bliss is today here or on its way, and the disciples and aspirants of this present time must be taught how to recognise and implement it.” Discipleship in the New Age II, page 671
Joy and achievement can be experienced even in the midst of pain
Out of pain, sorrow and the destruction of the old, the new Aquarian civilisation is beginning to manifest in joy.
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When through the tatters of your temporary bodies shines the splendor of your spirit,
Are you not filled with strength and joy?
And are not all your beings united in the joy of that labor of your spirit?
And then am I near to you.
And then does your ear discern the soft sound of My step.
Leaves of Morya’s Garden I 332.
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