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A New Dimension of Being
Photo: Johannes Plenio

A New Dimension of Being

As we see much of the natural world becoming irrevocably lost, we are realising the exquisitely fine balance of everything

As we see much of the natural world becoming irrevocably lost, we are realising the exquisitely fine balance of everything throughout the kingdoms of nature: mineral, plant and animal. Only the human kingdom has been slow to fulfill its intended part in the weave of the living fabric that is the manifest expression of the Lord of the world, of God. When we went forth from the Garden of Eden, we incarnated into separation and are only now beginning to rediscover the extent of our interconnection within the one great Life, the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. Through this separation we have learned much: understanding is growing, and consciousness is expanding.

We may not always know how precious something is until it is lost – and perhaps how irresponsible we have been to lose it! Perhaps the maturity of our race could be measured in the degree to which we accept responsibility for what is being lost through the self-importance, and self-centredness that has so drastically disturbed the balance and abundance of the world we were given in which to grow into our divine nature, our true Self. We can begin to take responsibility for our future, for the care and nurture of all within our beautiful world.

The crises and chaos sweeping the planet and causing so much suffering are waking us from our long sleep of forgetfulness.

While many may still be swept up in the narrowing vortex of self-interest, whether at individual or national levels, many are also expanding their perspective into the vaster ocean of life, realising how its flow sustains us all and our world. The crises and chaos sweeping the planet and causing so much suffering are waking us from our long sleep of forgetfulness. They are also waking great natural forces beyond human control, bringing us to a truer sense of proportion, and reminding us of our rightful role and place within the whole.

The problems we now confront are “soul size”, as the poet Christopher Fry reminded us, and can’t be solved by personalities, alone and in isolation. As we awaken to the underlying reality expressing through the natural order of the world, and emerge from our past blindness, we come en rapport with our true being within the finer dimensions of spirit and with Those Who have progressed ahead of us and cooperate with us in line with the will and purpose of the Lord of our World. The Tibetan Master explains:

The method of the [spiritual] Hierarchy is to work through individuals and through groups for the production of such a widespread spiritual recognition that men everywhere will accept as factual the inner government of the planet, and will work together for the founding of the Kingdom of God in objective manifestation on Earth—and not in some distant time and some vague heaven. This is no mystical or impossible dream, but is simply the recognition and the externalisation of that which has been for ever present, which definitely took objective form when Christ was with us two thousand years ago, and which will proceed to universal recognition when He is with us again in the immediate future.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy page 672

When our perspective expands out of the distortions of partiality we begin to become aware of the great synthesis of being

When our perspective expands out of the distortions of partiality we begin to become aware of the great synthesis of being wherein every part plays its role in its own time and place, and in harmonious interrelation with all else. And every part is essential because it is created by and within the One Life according to Its will and purpose. Each is a point of realisation – a conduit for divine will to flow through and throughout the whole and manifest in every part. The Tibetan Master writes:

…it is realised that there is no identity apart from universality and no appreciation of the universal apart from the individual realisation” The rays and the Initiations, page 106

Within the clear perspective of the greater whole we see that universal wholeness expressing through every part of the mighty diversity of its being. As the poet, William Blake, described:

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour…”

As humanity sees through this perspective, our world swings into a new dimension of livingness

As humanity sees through this perspective, our world swings into a new dimension of livingness in which each and every part is sustained, valued and appreciated as representing, in its own small measure, the One Life. Each individual and group has their part to play within the symphony of service to the Whole according to the Plan of the great Composer of our world. As Merle Stubbs wrote:

What is being revealed at this moment is that capacity to identify, and consciously, within a state of being. And what that says in essence, and what that says in expression, is that we are conscious participants within it – within the emerging expression of Life in our time. Life needs its expressive agents all the way out into planetary expression, flowing outward through the many world groups.” The Journey Continues, page 21

…we can work together towards the new era with hope, confidence and potency when we are aligned with Those Who serve the purpose of the Lord of the world.

Realisation pours in through the intuition, reflects through our thought, and drives our thinking which produces the effective changes needed. New aims, ideals and their subsequent expression then come into being to carry us forward out of past limitations. And we can work together towards the new era with hope, confidence and potency when we are aligned with Those Who serve the purpose of the Lord of the world, for the ultimate outcome is assured.

“Those who constitute the inner government of the world… are working to facilitate the entry of [new] ideals and aims into the consciousness of the race. These new ideals and aims are characteristics of the New Age. This statement is of importance, because it indicates that the effort now on foot is in line with the evolutionary development going on upon our planet. It is therefore assured of ultimate success. The work that the New Group of World Servers is endeavouring to do is intended to hasten that process, and so avert a long period of distress and disorder. Whether this effort succeeds or not, the final aim is assured, but it can be hastened if men will only appreciate fairly the situation with which they are immediately faced and take the necessary steps to change the present condition.” Esoteric Psychology II, page 652

…thinking truth will manifest a new dimension of being

We think truly when we think in terms of the whole, and thinking truth will manifest a new dimension of being that can transform our world into a sacred Presence in the Brotherhood of the Universe.

“Try another way of looking. Try you looking and the whole universe seeing.”     ~ Rumi

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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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