Monday , 10 March 2025
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A Pathway through the Heart for the Light of Truth
Photo: James Wheeler

A Pathway through the Heart for the Light of Truth

At this time, in the midst of the pain and suffering from all the crises around our world, we are called to celebrate Christmas with its appeal to the compassionate heart. We remember the unique birth in Bethlehem that gave the world a great embodiment and exemplar of divine love. His Presence inspires us to remember loved ones with greetings and gifts that flow from the heart, carrying the heart’s subtler yet pervasive energy that radiates throughout all relationships. Giving opens the heart, the less qualified and conditional the giving, the more the heart opens.

Christmas is a celebration of the enduring heart within us all – where truth and love abide.

This is a time when differences of view and orientation can be dissolved in the spirit of Christmas, and we are reminded of our truer selves. Christmas is a celebration of the enduring heart within us all – where truth and love abide. Indeed, the heart is the centre of our wisest Self:

…the same heart that ceaselessly throbs and pulsates lest people forget its existence—the heart that is the most tender of all, the most intense, the most resonant to what is near and what is far.” Heart 340

A recent publication describes the central role of the heart:

It is an ancient axiom that the heart knows what is true. The basis of this axiom is that the heart vibrates in resonance with a flow of energy imperceptible to the five physical senses. That energy—called Spirit, or God, or Divinity, or Holiness—is first sensed in the heart chakra of the subtle body, the etheric body that underlies the dense physical form. By vibrational frequency, the etheric heart center filters out what is false and clears a pathway for the light of truth to enter awareness.” Chapter IV, The Search for Truth, Unveiling the Spiritual Path

Thinking truth is thinking in the heart.

Thinking truth is thinking in the heart. How many problems will be solved as we increasingly think in the heart! What a beautiful new world we will and are already creating as we direct our focus there and tread the upward Path. The Tibetan Master explains the significance of thinking in the heart:

… ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he’ is a statement of the Christ. From that demonstrating personal centre of thought, energy will stream down into the physical brain, via the etheric body. It will then condition the type of living, the expression and the influence of the man upon the physical plane.
As a result of focussed thinking “in the heart” the spiritual eye opens and becomes the directing agent, … What is meant here by the words, “in the heart”? The soul is the heart of the system of the spiritual man; it is the seat of the life and consciousness which animate the personality, and it is the motivating potency in every incarnation, according to the experience conditioning the expression of the spiritual man in any particular rebirth. In the early stages of experience, this “eye” remains closed; there is present no capacity for thought and no ability to think in the heart: i.e., from soul levels. As the intellect develops and the power to focus upon the mental plane grows, the fact of the soul’s existence becomes known and the goal of attention changes. There follows the ability to focus in the soul consciousness and so to fuse the soul and the mind that an at-one-ment takes place and a man can then begin to think “in his heart.”. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, page 289-290

…the best and truest ideas, thoughts and actions that will carry life forward and sustain the enduring heart and soul.

Because the heart resonates with what is near and also most distant in time and space, it knows the whole of each situation within the wholeness of Life, that great Oneness “in Whom we live and move and have our being.” It senses the divine intention and the best and truest ideas, thoughts and actions that will carry life forward and sustain the enduring heart and soul.

… an entire Teaching is conveyed in the maxim, “He placed the thought upon his heart.” The thought cannot be transformed anywhere else but on the altar of the heart. … [For many,] In their disarray of consciousness, it is hard for them to separate out a single thought. And in all the twists and turns of their reasoning process, it is impossible for them to discover the heart. But a person who has sensed the altar of the heart will also grasp the discipline of the spirit…” Heart 394

Just as heart and soul are thought of together, so also are love and truth.

Just as heart and soul are thought of together, so also are love and truth. As we observe humanity going through the painful process of realising truth, we are also witnessing the opening of the human heart to that divine love that places all on the altar of the heart for the greater good. Gradually, one by one, group by group, we are following in the footsteps of Christ Who revealed the way through the tests and trials suffered by His embodiment into His transfiguration over the death of the form. And so, the true Self endures, rises, and grows in Radiance.

…let us hold all in the healing embrace of the heart – the One Heart that balances all in the karmic scales of Truth

In this season, heralded so long ago by the Angels’ words: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”, let us hold all in the healing embrace of the heart – the One Heart that balances all in the karmic scales of Truth. The door to that heart is open to all who seek it. The true Self knows the way.


Only from the heart can you touch the sky. ~ Rumi

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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

One comment

  1. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for this luminous reflection….. Suzy Miller, CT., USA

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