Thursday , 13 March 2025
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Annual Global Silent Minute

Annual Global Silent Minute

This year the annual Global Silent Minute will pause in a shared minute to re-orient through Silence to a new compass – the chalice of Truth that dwells within the Heart of Humanity.

Far from being an abstraction, Truth is the realisation of cosmic laws based on direct experience1. accumulated – and accumulating – in the chalice of Humanity through us.

truth is the wisest chapter in the book of Cosmos
Image: Michaela from Pixabay | Text: Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 255 | Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

As we live our holistic identity within the three worlds – of spirit, soul and personality – we recognise the synthesis of the One Life and the necessity to wield the Sword of Truth to cut through the myriad distortions, glamours and illusions to reveal the Truth at the heart of everything. Truth rains ceaselessly from the Cosmos. We are urged to keep our umbrellas closed and our hearts open to its showers.

Image: Makoto Tsuka from Unsplash | Text: Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 145 | Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

Truth is a rhythmic sound2. and we give voice to it through the silence – that powerful creative tension that expresses through our words, thoughts and deeds.

As we observe the Annual Global Silent Minute at 9pm GMT on 21 December 2022 we will work with the rhythmic sound of Truth.

The event will be live-streamed 15 minutes prior to the actual global silent minute.

To optimise our experience together in the harmonised creative tension of Silence, we will listen to a beautiful Tibetan singing bowl sounding twelve times in the lead up to, and following, the actual minute of silence.

We invite you to participate in the Annual Global Silent Minute:

(i)              by observing the minute of silence wherever you are in your time-zone.  or

(ii)             via zoom:
Meeting ID: 882 4449 7104  Passcode: 942248 or

(iii)            via facebook:

1. Agni Yoga, 156

2. Ibid.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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