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The Spirit of Equilibrium

 There is an entity who embodies and ensouls the energy of equilibrium. This potent Individual is called the Spirit of Equilibrium and, in addition to wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet, is responsible for vitalising the responsiveness of Humanity to the will of God or Shambhala.

As the secret of the will lies in Humanity’s understanding of our true identity, the Spirit of Equilibrium plays a crucial part in relieving us from a myriad of false identities – all those masks of what we are not – to arrive at the place of essence where we are responsive to the will of God or Shambhala.

Preoccupied with the demands of incarnated existence within the Manifest World, we may temporarily forget and stray from our true identity and residence – within the three worlds: inclusive of the other two worlds: the Subtle World or realm of the Soul, and the Fiery World or realm of the Spirit.

As we awaken to the truth or our identity of living simultaneously within these three worlds we remember that our thoughts, deeds and actions in the Manifest World reverberate, and have consequences, throughout the fabric of all the worlds. We therefore realise that any lack of balance or loss of equilibrium in us impacts our family, our groups, our nations, our planet and, indeed, our Cosmos.[i]

It is said in the Agni Yoga Teachings that:

In the future reconstruction of the World, on the higher spheres there will not be access for those who do not understand equilibrium. Long incarnations will be necessary, to study how to create cosmic equilibrium. Indeed, empires have fallen, nations have fallen, countries have been destroyed, all because the greatest question, that of equilibrium, has been reduced to nothing.[ii]

This sloka goes on to reveal that:

Therefore it is so important to affirm the significance of the feminine principle. Precisely, not in the household measuring scale, but in that of the state. [iii]

The sloka then asserts the significance of the principle of equilibrium:

If the planet is retained, then future countries will flourish only through equilibrium.[iv]

So the planet’s survival is by no means guaranteed and a key factor in the evolution of future countries rests on humanity’s understanding the principle of equilibrium.  The sloka concludes with:

We will even admit a preponderance on the side of the feminine principle, because the conflict will be very intense. …Woman, who gives life to a people, must also have a voice in the making of its destiny. Woman must have the right of voice. If woman were accepted, as was ordained, the World would be quite differently impregnated. Thus, only affirmation of the law of Existence can restore the order of (hu)man(ity).[v]

We’ve known about the imbalance between the masculine and feminine principles within the Manifest World for a long time. The United Nations, the global organisation responsible for the coordination and collection of the data that provides the evidence of the imbalance, regularly reports on distance to be traversed to achieve equilibrium. Spoiler alert in relation to one data point – women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public – at the current rate, it is estimated that gender equality in the highest positions of power will not be reached for another 130 years.[vi] Whilst it is excellent that metrics are now available to provide a global perspective of gender participation in all areas of life, real change is still incredibly slow, perhaps too slow…at this pivotal point in humanity’s evolution.

Speed may matter.

Historical and entrenched transgression by Humanity of the equilibrium of the Two Origins may be contributing to the question of the very survival of our planet. Certainly, a collective loss of equilibrium comes from the loss of this spiritual understanding of the need for this fiery equilibrium. Regeneration of the planet comes from the restoration of this balance between the higher principles and actual life and this is only achieved through the heart.

The Spirit of Equilibrium is awakened in the Heart

 The doctrine of the Heart is being restored by the presence of the Mother of the World and the embrace of Her influence on, and through, the planet.

We know the tread of the Mother of the World. We know the manifestation of the Mother of the World. We intensify the complete flow of the Magnet to restore the doctrine of the Heart.[vii]

 The increased tension experienced in the Manifest World is a call to the Heart.

The energy of equilibrium is found in the depth’s of one’s heart[viii] and a heart should be engraved on the pointer of the scales, because the heart is the judge of balance.[ix]

As insignificant as each one of us may appear within the Manifest World with its current population exceeding 8 billion people, each one of us can help significantly to construct cosmic equilibrium.[x]


Each of the 8 billion plus of us can discern in the Heart the balance or imbalance of the Origins and give voice to what we apprehend in the movement in the scales.

As citizens of the Cosmos we can ask on a daily basis what thoughts, words and deeds on our part contribute to the restoration of equilibrium between the two Origins of the feminine and masculine principles – and, what thoughts, words and deeds or inaction on our part contribute to, or perpetuate, a lack of balance between these principles?

We listen to, and allow, the Heart to respond, aware that our individual hearts are on loan to us for the purpose of communion in the One Heart.

In this way we can participate in the construction and restoration of fiery equilibrium.

The Spirit of Equilibrium brings Peace

 As the sun moves through the sign of Libra, we are particularly sensitised to this energy of equilibrium, aware as we are that “libr” is being held in its embrace.

The Spirit of Equilibrium is also another name for the Spirit of Peace

As we deepen our understanding and capacity to cooperate with the Spirit of Equilibrium we are simultaneously working with the essence of peace, the fire of peace. Indeed, the Individual embodying peace, the Spirit of Peace.

At essence, the energy of equilibrium is the energy of peace.

Thus, if the planet is retained, then future countries will flourish only through a true understanding of peace through all three worlds, as sounded by the Spirit of Peace/Equilibrium.


[i] The laws of cosmic Equilibrium govern our planet. Fiery World III, 230

[ii] Fiery World III, 347

[iii] Ibid

[iv] Ibid

[v] Ibid

[vi] Further, data compiled by the UN shows that women represent 23.3 per cent of Cabinet members heading Ministries, leading a policy area as of 1 January 2024.  And that there are only 15 countries (out of a possible 193)[vi] in which women hold 50 per cent or more of the positions of Cabinet ministers leading policy areas. The five most commonly held portfolios by women Cabinet Ministers are Women and gender equality, followed by Family and children affairs, Social inclusion and development, Social protection and social security, and Indigenous and minority affairs.

[vii] Hierarchy, 2.

[viii] Supermundane, 820.

[ix] Heart, 532

Title Image: Miriams-Fotos from Pixabay
Person in Cosmos Image: Greg Rakozy from Unsplash / Text & Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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