Wednesday , 25 September 2024
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Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024

Pam says that from this point on, we are going to have a lot of really big scary things to face. Please ask yourself if you are going to still focus your attention upon re-energizing the life-force of the old world that is crumbling. When we do that with fear, panic or anger, we are giving away our power to what we absolutely don’t want more of, and then blame it for giving us a hard time. The collective reality has been created by our collective consciousness – so let’s change the music. This could not be more important for us to make a step-change in our focus, in our attention, in where we put our energy, to shift our sense of sovereignty from the outer sense to the inner.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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