Wednesday , 25 September 2024
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Full SuperMoon in Aquarius August 19th 2024 – Pam Gregory

In this 45 minute video, Pam says that starting this month, the period of the next few months will be extraordinary, in fact we have never lived through such an astrological period ever before. She says that we should not feel apprehensive about it; instead, she wants us to feel excited by it. At times, it may appear that things are going backwards, but that will be the energies of the old world, not the energies belonging to the new world.
Pam states that this is not going to be dull! There will be so much drama and so many events demanding our attention, but she asks us to please, if you can, focus on the new Earth that is birthing. There are many people who are not on the nightly news, who are not shouting or loud, instead they are loving, quiet, and working together to create a world of Love that we have never known before. So, let Love be your docking station, and know that we are being helped at many levels.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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