Wednesday , 22 January 2025
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Global Silent Minute – Ongoing Daily Practice

To assist with your daily practice we have created a clip which begins with an Elephant Temple Bell, is followed by an exact minute of Silence and ends with the sounding of a Tibetan bowl twelve times.

The Elephant Temple Bell calls us into the Silence and the sounding of the Tibetan bowls allow for the distribution of the energy for the common good.

All you need to do is to press play 20 seconds prior to 9:00 pm GMT calibrated to your local time-zone and enter the Silence.

The above video clip is 3 minutes 26 seconds. To view a longer 7-minute version of the clip, see

A time Zone converter is at:

Blessings as we discern the beautiful Truth of Humanity’s destiny as it rings through us.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.


  1. Miriam Jane Purkiss

    What a beautiful newsletter it wings its way in and inspires balances and consoles.

    Global Silent Minute, Women and Water Stephen’s Astrological findings and Judy’s wonderful article on the times we are passing through uplift and make deep sense of these turbulent times.

    • mm

      Dear Jane,
      Thank you for your heartwarming response. It is deeply reassuring to know that what we offer might add to the flow of supportive forces moving through the world – so needed in these turbulent times of change as you have beautifully clarified.
      Blessings and love,

  2. Thank you for this wonderful webpage. It is so helpful for those of us who practice this connection – alone at home.
    I do have a request however. Last year I received an email from Dot Maver where she tells the story of the two WW1 soldiers and how the Global Silent Minute was initiated in WW11 with the chimes of Big Ben by the soldier, Wellesley, who survived and how many of our enemies proclaimed it the Allies secret weapon that helped win the war.
    I would love for it to be posted here. It would be a great opening as I invite others to join us.
    Thank you for printing my FB post – the idea and practice was written from my heart and continues to expand into my everyday life.
    I am so grateful for Dot Maver and all of you❤️🙏

    • mm

      Thank you Margaret for your comments. We are delighted that the Global Silent Minute is touching hearts around the world. Consistent feedback that we are receiving is that people love that they can make a difference simply be being where they are and holding space for a daily Silent Minute calibrated to 9:00pm GMT. We can feel the new rhythm that is in the process of being anchored as so many participate in this coming together at the exact same minute daily in Silence for global cooperation, peace and freedom. Below is the distilled History of the Silent Minute from our flyer which you can find on our website at:

      The Silent Minute was born from a conversation between two soldiers on the eve of a battle in the mountains around Jerusalem in the First World War. One knew he would not survive the war and prophesied the coming of an even greater conflict that would be fought out in every continent, ocean and air. He urged his comrade to provide an opportunity for him, and millions like him, to assist from the “other side”. He said: “Lend us a moment… each day and through your Silence give us an opportunity. The power of Silence is greater than you know.”

      The Silent Minute was instituted by his comrade, Major Tudor Pole O.B.E, during the London Blitz in 1940 as a moment to enter into Silence and, to provide a portal for cooperation with an “unseen but mighty army” in the subtle realms.

      The Silent Minute called upon all citizens of the British Commonwealth nations and territories on land, sea and air to unite in thought – irrespective of philosophy or religion – in a Silent Prayer for Freedom and Peace. Every night on BBC radio, at one minute before the hour, the bells of Big Ben signalled the Silent Minute to begin at 9pm. Tudor Pole knew that if enough people joined in this gesture of dedicated intent, the tide would turn and the invasion of England would be diverted. Indeed, its success in bringing peace was acknowledged after the war by a high ranking German Officer who was quoted as saying:
      “…you had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter measure and which we did not understand, but it was very powerful. It was associated with the striking of the Big Ben each evening. I believe you called it the ‘Silent Minute’.”

      And finally, if you have not done so already, you may also like to join the Global Silent Minute Facebook group at .

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