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Global Silent Minute supports “Codes for a Healthy Earth”

Sydney Goodwill joins Global Silent Minute in inviting you to take a look at what is emerging through Codes for a Healthy Earth and, if resonant, to share through your networks.

Global Silent Minute was launched on 21 December 2019 at 9:00pm GMT to invite global participation in a silent minute – the same minute everywherearound the world and across the veil to take a moment – to pause, to take a breath together and to recalibrate humanity’s relationship within the Cosmos.

What was achieved in the laser-like global focus in the Silence for sixty seconds was the restoration in truth and beauty of the awareness of the intimate relationship between the Cosmic Bell, at the heart of the Universe; the Mountain of the Bell, Mount Kailash, at the top of the planetary axis of the world; and the bell that resides and resounds within each and every one of us.

The recalibration has been reverberating through our planetary sphere through us and now, beyond a moment, 2020 has become a year in which Humanity’s experiencing a prolonged planetary pause where we have the opportunity to work together to make real our global cooperation, the realisation of peace and the anchoring of true freedom.

As the world is experiencing an all systems breakdown, what is being called forth is an all systems breakthrough to a New Era, a New Civilisation.

It is within this spirit that Global Silent Minute endorses the Codes for a Healthy Earth. The co-created vision of Codes for a Healthy Earth takes as its starting point the recognition of the interconnectedness and interdependence of planetary life and hence, that for Humanity to thrive, the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive.  The Codes affirm that the only legitimate purpose of governance is to protect and cultivate the health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants for generations to come.

Codes for a Healthy Earth Videos

The Codes for a Healthy Earth website has an abundance of resources including a short video on “Codes for a Healthy Earth” (4 minutes and 45 seconds long):-

– as well as a recent longer piece from a circle of inspiring women leaders reflecting on Codes for a Healthy Earth as a unifying framework for rapid and radical whole-system healing and transformation.  See clip (2 hours) from Humanity Rising: A Global Solutions Summit by Ubiquity University from

Codes for a Healthy Earth will be launching its proposal for a World Water Law in a session on June 24 in World Unity Week 20-27 June 2020.

Sydney Goodwill joins Global Silent Minute in inviting you to take a look at what is emerging through Codes for a Healthy Earth and, if resonant, to share through your networks.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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