Sunday , 9 March 2025
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This year the Annual Global Silent Minute will pause in a shared minute on 21 December 2024 at 9pm GMT to launch the theme for 2025: to resurrect Truth through Silence as Action – the Truth that dwells within the deepest recesses of the Heart of Humanity.

This is the third year in the trinity of sustained focussed on Truth.

In 2023 we recognised the need to re-orient to the compass of Truth through Silence.

In 2024 we focussed on the need to restore our re-membrance of the living, radiant power of Truth that resounds in the Heart. This Truth reminds us of our dual citizenship – of the Planet and the Universe – as we attuned to the Cosmic Bell ringing through the Planetary Bell (Mount Kailash, the Mountain of the Bell, in Tibet), to the bell within each and every one of us.

In 2025, we will continue our deep dive into the sacred recesses of the Heart – the Chalice of Life – to resurrect and radiate the Truth at the heart of everything. We realise the necessity and timeliness to resurrect – in every corner of life – the equilibrium between the Dual Origins, the equal relationship between the feminine and masculine.

With Pluto’s imminent return to Aquarius (19 November 2024) – and His residence there for the next 20 years (until 19 January 2044) – the astrological energies support the revelation and liberation of Truth from all the hidden spaces. Undeterred by attempts to mask, hide or deceive in any domain, Pluto is unrelenting in His pursuit of the Truth and, in Aquarius, will bring transformation to systems of power, science and information technology/data. The methods of change in Aquarius are characterised by innovation and revolution, impulsed by the liberating drive for anchoring greater dimensions of freedom on the planet.

248 years ago, the last time that Pluto traversed through Aquarius (1778 to 1798) the world went through seismic shifts, from the American to the French Revolution with its motto for freedom of “liberty, equality and fraternity”.

In 2024, in 8 days’ time when Pluto re-enters Aquarius, we are literally standing on the threshold of seismic global changes on a higher turn of the spiral with a tremendous opportunity for the establishment of fiery equilibrium in relation to Truth.

Some issues such as the lie of an apparent election loss in the US (2020) and the consequences for all perpetrators of it, may come into equilibrium within the transit time-frame of Pluto through Aquarius.

Other untruths, constructed and maintained over cycles of time, may take longer.

How long, for instance, will it take for the Catholic Church to truly resurrect Mary Magdalene to her rightful place in the story of Christianity – so there is an alignment for all the world to see embodied and embedded in the power structures, a new cannon and so on. How long before the consequences of the centuries of distortions about her are dismantled?

Far from not being a prostitute (finally acknowledged by Catholic Church in 1969 by their repeal of Pope Gregory’s Homily 33 in 591*), Mary Magdalene was the one who anointed – and thus prepared – Jesus for the Crucifixion. Mary Magdalene was the one to be present to witness his Resurrection. She was the one to experience and thus, to know that death, as an end to the continuity of life, was a lie. She was thus the first in the Christian story to have direct knowing of the Truth. Her way was, and continues to be, of direct knowing.

The seismic shifts in the world destined for transformation from the resurrection of her rightful place in the Christian story will contribute to the equilibrium on the planet of the Dual Origins, the resurrection of the equal relationship between the feminine and the masculine; and the revelation of the continuity of Life.

As Pluto re-enters Aquarius and provides the stage for deep realisation, Global Silent Minute holds the space in our daily rhythmic minute of Silence at 9pm GMT in 2025 – to resurrect and radiate the Truth as we inquire into the deepest Truth at the heart of everything. How might we through our inquiry actively participate in the resurrection of the equilibrium between the relationship between the feminine and the masculine? How might we through our inquiry provoke and participate in the evolutionary seismic shifts possible at this time on the planet?

Invitation to participate:

We invite you to participate in the Annual Global Silent Minute by observing the minute of silence wherever you are in your time-zone:

We will provide zoom and facebook links in next month’s newsletter.

For further information:

• Global Silent Minute website:
• For the story of the Global Silent Minute:
• Global Silent Minute Facebook page:

“Mary Magdalene” – painting by Luca Signorelli 1504
*There is an abundance of books available that contain and contextualise the
Berlin Papyrus (preserved since 1896 at the National Museum of Berlin)
and the discovery in 1945 of the library of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt.
A useful text is Jean-Yves Leloup’s “The Gospel of Mary Magdalene” (2002)
Sunrise over Earth Image by Area Socha from Pixabay

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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