Monday , 17 March 2025
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In the Agni Yoga Teachings, Master Morya says:

“If you ask Me what methods are befitting our times, I say—you must prepare yourselves for direct Communion. All conventional measures are already mediocre in themselves. In these days, when fiery energies have been so intensified, precisely this fire helps the heart to understand the Higher Command. This Command is propounded in the very midst of life. Then We say—harken and obey! …. people must seek heart communion.” ~ Edited, Fiery World II, 236

This method does not take place in the “bricks and mortar” of a temple or a monastery but rather in the midst of life – in the Temple of the Spirit. (Inspired by Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 130)

Direct Communion requires the recognition and realisation of our relationship with the Cosmos (inspired by Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 2), being in touch with the beat of our heart and breath.

Communion with the Higher World is said to be as necessary to us as pure air. (Inspired by AUM, 89)

The acceptance of Agni Yoga which is also known as the Yoga of Synthesis or Fire will confirm humanity in our conscious communion with the Cosmic Magnet. This communion with the Fire of Space affords the possibility for amelioration of earthly conditions. (Edited, Infinity II, 134)

In these challenging times, when many are asking what they can do to make a difference, it’s worth remembering that, wherever we are, the realisation of our intimate relationship with whole – with the Universe – can positively impact planetary conditions.

The ancients knew about the necessity for communion with Cosmos. They calibrated their work to be in rhythm with their understanding of the cycles and seasons of Cosmos. Rhythm is both the cement and the wings of space, however, for communion one must first realise one’s own inner rhythms and come en rapport with the greater rhythms of Life. (Inspired by Supermundane, 605)

Love for Hierarchy produces direct Communion. (Inspired by Fiery World II, 236)

To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. The new approach to the Highest is through direct Communion through the heart. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. (Inspired by Fiery World II, 236 and 249).

Thought about Brotherhood is in itself a great communion. (Brotherhood, 602)

For communion with Hierarchy one must learn to think knowing that thought is communion with Fire and that the art of thinking requires thinking in all three worlds (Fiery/Spirit, Subtle/Soul, and Manifest/realm of the Personality) simultaneously. (Inspired by Supermundane, 52, Fiery World I, 33 and Fiery World I, 541)

A person nourishes their own fiery body through Communion with Hierarchy. The saturation in fiery space – the immersion in it – allows one to be nourished by a wealth of currents. The Agni Yogi then becomes a nutrient agent. (Inspired by Fiery World II, 186 and Fiery World III, 62)

No rituals are needed where there is the flame of Communion. Fiery communion has been ordained. The Fiery World is primarily within us, if only we discern its abode! Thus, when one doubts whether communion with the Fiery World is possible, one should remember its presence everywhere. (Inspired by Fiery World II, 157 and 276, and Fiery World I, 354)

People think that silence is simply not uttering any sound, but true power comes when the whole being is overwhelmed by silence and an energy is generated that permits communion with the Higher World. These hours of surging energy and this kind of silence is the highest tension. When silence reigns in Hierarchy it means that They are experiencing this powerful tension, and communion with the Higher World will result in a renewal of forces. (Edited, Supermundane, 89)

Trust is the basis of Communion. (AUM, 362)

We can walk into the future with full trust: this invincible confidence comes from communion with Hierarchy; an understanding of the Luminaries; and the awareness that the three Worlds exist in full cooperation. The affirmation of many earthly beginnings takes place in the Higher Worlds. (Inspired by Fiery World II, 403)

Communion, like fragrance, spreads far. (Brotherhood, 556)

The Temple of the Spirit is the location for the new method befitting our times – Direct Communion.

The Agni Yoga Teachings, as a relatively recent gift to Humanity, is a formulation of the Ageless Wisdom that beautifully articulates the universal note of this new method which is inextricably linked to the doctrine of the Heart.

The Heart stands as the Temple of Humanity.

The Temple of the Spirit is The Temple of the Heart which can be found in the 8 billion plus people currently in incarnation across our planet.

Its doors are always open.

Heart Communion – Direct Communion through the Heart – calls its workers – hearts across distance both sides of the veil to serve now to ameliorate earthly conditions.

Image: Greg Rakozy from Unsplash.

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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