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Love the future and your wings will grow

To bathe in the light of the future and radiate that into the world, creates the lighted, living pathway along which we rise into true being.
There is always movement, growth, progress – even while we observe the decay of the familiar and the pull of entropy drawing all forms back into the reservoir of substance, at the same time everything is being remade in newer shapes for newer times. And our observation makes a difference. It initiates change and stimulates growth. According to a Wikipedia entry,

In science, the term observer effect means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.”                                    Wikipedia See:

If we look more deeply into the process of observation we might see that not only the observed is altered but the observer too is changed – is made more aware and acquires a deeper understanding of what is being observed. Light is shared and augmented. Both the observer and the observed are mutually acting upon one another and changing, progressing, enlightening consciousness as a result. There is a radiatory exchange and mingling of energies, a connection through which realisation and revelation flow on through the whole.

The impact on consciousness registers and transmits the revelation which changes our world and how we see it. Through consciousness a manifest expression is continually unfolding and approximating closer and closer to the inner spiritual reality. In the book, Journey of a Lifetime, Merle Stubbs summarises this journey into the Real:

…what happens when we come into incarnation and learn about the world around us. We absorb the viewpoints of our particular culture and time, the attitudes and beliefs of parents, teachers, and all things in our environment. This enables us to function in the world but results in that conditioning that obscures from our sight the true world of our spiritual identity until such time as we recognise the situation and take the responsibility to direct our lives upon the spiritual path.” Merle Stubbs – Journey of a Lifetime

The greater the clarity of that consciousness – the more enlightened it is, the more clearly we see and the closer we come to truth

As we observe world events, the extent to which we truly see contributes to a conscious realisation of the emerging truth of things. Consciousness may be seen as a kind of connective tissue through which truths can become realised – made real.  The greater the clarity of that consciousness – the more enlightened it is, the more clearly we see and the closer we come to truth.

Looking at some of the more critical events around the world such as the Ebola crisis, militancy with its many faces, ecosystem damage, hunger, ignorance and human rights abuse, we might look more deeply to observe and empower the transformations moving through the world via human consciousness towards a future of harmony and beauty beyond current comprehension. So many things are bubbling up to the surface to be revealed and subsequently transformed in the light of new understanding as to cause. A great purifying process seems to be constantly sweeping through our world – a purifying and a clarifying of the way our world really works and how best to cooperate with the inevitable force of its Being.

This great life-force that permeates every atom on every plane of being is the great attractive force we call Love

This great life-force that permeates every atom on every plane of being is the great attractive force we call Love. Its minor reflections are experienced as emotional affection between individuals in all their grades and colours. At the primeval level it draws together that which fertilises the seeds of new life-forms, constantly regenerating and evolving the physical nature of the planet and all within it. Its deepest driving force brings opposites together, expands understanding and works out the harmony that is love’s true expression. Initial oppositions often generate conflict as differences yet blind those involved to the multifaceted richness of expression. Love is the force that drives all to seek the Beloved, to search through the phantasmagoria of forms until we see through to the heart of things and find it waiting to embrace us in its purest form.

It is the force of progress, renewal and resurrection. It draws the observer and the observed together in a dance of discovery, change and transformation. It invokes and evokes the life-sustaining flow between spirit and matter bringing living conscious recognition that they are ultimately One – Father spirit and Mother matter together in harmonious union expressing through the worlds.  We are told that:

Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest.” H. P. Blavatsky. See The Rays and the Initiations page 264

In his poetic essay Hymn to Matter, Teilhard de Chardin wrote:

‘If we are ever to reach you, matter, we must, having first established contact with the totality of all that lives and moves here below, come little by little to feel that the individual shapes of all we have laid hold on are melting away in our hands, until finally we are at grips with the single essence of all subsistencies and all unions.

‘If we are ever to possess you, having taken you rapturously in our arms, we must then go on to sublimate you through sorrow.

‘Your realm comprises those secret heights where saints think to avoid you – but where your flesh is so transparent and so agile as to be no longer distinguishable from spirit.

‘Raise me up then, matter, to those heights through struggle and separation and death; raise me up until, at long last, it becomes possible for me in perfect chastity to embrace the universe.’” Teilhard de Chardin – from the book Hymn to the Universe

Our sense of being is guided more by harmony and a finer love-force draws everything together in a new pattern of living

So through struggle and separation and death comes change, growth and progress. But where is it all taking us? What is the magnetic future drawing us on in search of the beloved? As we see more clearly and more light enters in, as our thought clarifies and refines consciousness, we become more subtle in our living and more sensitively engaged in the greater life we share. Our sense of being is guided more by harmony and a finer love-force draws everything together in a new pattern of living expression that echoes more precisely the resonance of the Spirit which animates all.

Our sense of being is not limited to our physical form which may change through accident or age. Nor is it defined by any of the number of roles we may fulfil or any emotions, thoughts and actions we may experience. So who are we really as we peel away the illusory layers? Perhaps the worldly persona is but a talisman that our true being has energised so that it may radiate into the world from the realms of its own purposeful being – a realm to which Love ever calls us to return. And glory awaits as love beckons us onward. We are told that:

Eye hath not seen nor ear heard’ the things which God will reveal to those who tread the way to the innermost centre, to those who love.  This ancient writing can be paraphrased as follows:  It is impossible to realise the wonder of the future which the planetary Logos will unfold before those who have unfolded the second divine aspect, Love, and who are therefore full Members of the [Spiritual] Hierarchy, the centre where the energy of Love is anchored.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 328

To bathe in the light of the future and radiate that into the world, creates the lighted, living pathway along which we rise into true being.

Urusvati knows the true meaning of love for the future. It has long been said that life is an uninterruptible current. It can be said that life is a flight into the future. But many people fear the future. Some are sadly reconciled with its inevitability, but only a few love it. It is right to call these few the winged ones. They sense how their invisible wings carry them over the planet. They can discover great truths and can become true scientists. They are confident that none of their discoveries will be lost. They greet each day as a new possibility. They love victory, and stand up against ignorance.

Whence is born in these workers a readiness for incessant labor? Love is a powerful impeller. Love is a magnet and the beginning of achievement. Love for the future is the most powerful impeller and it safeguards the worker from stagnation. Love makes possible the understanding of the Supermundane World.

People often speak about meetings with their dear ones in the Supermundane World. They do not love the future as a fiery victory, but it is good that they dream about the Supermundane World, if only for the dear ones. Yet, how beautiful the Supermundane Path can be for the aspirant who strives to the future! He will lose no time in seeking the solutions to the problems that occupied him in his earthly life, and he will find the Higher Guides. Supermundane IV,861.

The Thinker said to children, “Love the future, and your wings will grow.” Supermundane IV,861.

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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