Saturday , 15 March 2025
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Shortly before he made his recent transition through the veil into the subtle realms, Michael wrote an article entitled “Nicholas Roerich – A short biographical sketch” in Theosophy in Australia March 2023, Volume 87 number 1, ISSN No. 1038-1139, pages 18-22.

In it, Michael focusses on the extraordinary service of artist, lawyer, writer, philosopher, spiritual and cultural leader, peace-maker Nicholas Roerich.

Michael travelled the world taking photographs of a considerable number of Nicholas Roerich 7,000 paintings. Nicholas Roerich’s son, Svetoslav, was a personal friend and offered much information and encouragement in his work.

Michael felt privileged to spread throughout the world the knowledge of Roerich’s artistic work and spiritual message – created in collaboration with his life partner, Helena Roerich, Mother of Agni Yoga (also called The Yoga of Synthesis or Fire).

A long-standing member of the Theosophical Society and a student of the Agni Yoga teachings, over the years Michael presented a brilliant slide show of Nicholas Roerich’s paintings (hosted on one occasion by Sydney Goodwill).  Many of these paintings were incorporated into the beautiful Master of the Mountains DVD which Michael initiated and for which he wrote and delivered the narration. His photographs, slides and film have enabled many to connect to the energy transmitted through the paintings.

In the flyer accompanying the Master of the Mountains DVD, Michael wrote:

“Humanity has a goal and a way to become consciously aware of its destiny. Roerich’s paintings are meant to inspire and teach people, uplift them, and awaken in them that quality of universality and their inner connections to it.

It is possible to reach a higher level of thinking. And as we are part of the world, and the world in microcosm we can play our part.  We are not pieces of clay; the inner spark that can appreciate beauty indicates a far more profound source that we can tap into.

Through Peace, Brotherhood and a deeper search into the meaning of life in all its facets, we can play our part in changing the world.  For a new world is coming.
Truly he earned the name given to him “THE MASTER OF THE MOUNTAINS”. Through all his paintings and writings runs the continuous thread of a great message, the message of the Teacher calling to the disciples to awaken and strive towards a new life, a better life, a life of Beauty and Fulfilment. He fully exemplified the words of Plato:

“From beautiful images we shall go to beautiful thoughts. From beautiful thoughts to a beautiful life. And from a beautiful life to absolute beauty”. Quoted by Svetoslav Roerich in 1974, the 100th anniversary of N.K.Roerich’s birth.

“Real peace, real unity, is desired by the human heart. It strives to labour creatively and actively. For its’ labour is a source of joy. It wants to love and expand in the realisation of sublime beauty. In the highest perception of beauty and knowledge all conventional divisions disappear. The heart speaks its own language; it wants to rejoice at that which is common to all, uplifts all and leads to the radiant future. All symbols and tablets of humanity contain one hieroglyph, the sacred prayer – Peace and Unity.” Nicholas Roerich – Cultural Unity

We acknowledge a life well-lived as a lover of Beauty in the Theosophical and Agni Yoga teachings; in Nicholas Roerich’s paintings; and in his expert capacity to create balance and equilibrium in a fiery curry!

Vale Michael Breen.

“In Beauty we are united.
Through Beauty we Pray.
With Beauty we conquer”.
Nicholas Roerich

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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