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Perfect Sparks in an Ocean of Love & Light

Perfect sparks in an ocean of light and love

Fear is an oppressive force that pulls us back but love is ever the greater force.

In this Festive Season we celebrate the birth of a pure embodiment of love, that mighty force which creates and drives the universe and all that lives within it. It may express as love of family and friends, of a dream, of adventure, of country, of beauty, of humanity, of God, of whatever calls strongly to us. It is the attractive force that drives us onwards and beyond fear. Fear is an oppressive force that pulls us back but love is ever the greater force. However misunderstood or misdirected it may be, love will draw us onwards and through the challenges that fear weaves, whether obvious or subtly hidden. We are told that:

God is the name of an irresistible Force called Love… The greatest force in the new world will be the power of love expressed as the power to love. In this power lies hid the mystery labelled ‘miracle’ by those human beings with eyes to see. Others will read the same occurrence at face value, perceiving events as separate words in a sentence whose underlying meaning is unexamined. Miraculous events are in fact conduits for divine forces to reveal themselves to those who can discern the power unleashed by pure, unselfish love. Where there is inexplicable healing, or a sudden appearance of opportunity, or any sign of a hidden force that alters material conditions for the good, there is the power of divine love. Human beings will learn to wield this power in the coming era.” From K-Message #12, Call from the Mountain:

We are finer beings than our dense material living might indicate.

All religions treasure stories of divine Messengers and of those human beings who have transcended worldly attractions and have entered the sphere of a vaster, transcendent love and so have become embodiments of that potential in us all. We are finer beings than our dense material living might indicate. In essence we are souls, beings of light, of extended sensitivity and sentiency, and of radiatory power.

…we are souls shining through radiant hearts.

As we realise this into expression we become conscious souls in the world. We then live in the world but are “not of the world” [John 17:16]; we are souls shining through radiant hearts. This opens the way into the Kingdom of Souls, the spiritual kingdom where our true essence abides inspired by and in harmony with divine will. It is the finer realm that inspires and breathes through the thin outer layer of worldly appearance, and its subtle radiance flows through wherever conscious souls, radiant hearts, are incarnate in the world.

The heart is the pathway into the spiritual kingdom. It is the sole guarantor of harmlessness, whose positive expression is a love for all beings. Harmlessness means different things at different levels of awareness. It is one thing to avoid harming other creatures for fear of karmic consequences; it is another thing to realize that all lives are intertwined in a single web of life and when we harm another we harm ourselves; and still another to feel divine love saturating the filaments of the heart to the degree that harming any life is an impossibility. The Great Work of planetary redemption takes place under the downpouring love of the Christ and His Ashram.” ibid from K-Message #29

We have been accorded free will so that we might evolve through our own efforts to become divine components of that Life, perfect sparks in an ocean of light and love flowing through the world

As we live out our material lives on the surface of the Earth, dealing with our daily physical needs and cares, it can be easy to forget that we are part of a mighty living system which is the embodiment of a Great Life. We have been accorded free will so that we might evolve through our own efforts to become divine components of that Life, perfect sparks in an ocean of light and love flowing through the world, its waves bathing and restoring everything in rhythmic measure to the pulse of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. We are free agents, agents of the One life Whose intention creates the field of our active living. Through self-initiated experiences, we come to consciously serve its divine intention and the unfolding plan of its Life. The Master DK tells us of that Plan:

…The plan as at present sensed…might be defined as follows:—It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time. It will make available to every man all past achievements and knowledges, it will reveal to man the true significance of his mind and brain and make him the master of that equipment and will make him therefore omnipresent and eventually open the door to omniscience. This next development of the plan will produce in man an understanding —intelligent and cooperative—of the divine purpose for which the One in Whom we live and move and have our being has deemed it wise to submit to incarnation.” A Treatise on White Magic, page 403

We are an intrinsic part of a living world – a mighty organism

We are an intrinsic part of a living world – a mighty organism in which we live and radiate the flow of its life throughout our own participating spheres of influence. And it is being steadily revealed through the human heart and its power to attract, blend and create a synthesis of human being and understanding. We create forms to serve what we understand at each moment in progressing time. Then they dissolve like Spring blossoms fading into Summer or Autumn leaves falling into Winter with the rhythmic spiral of the seasons. Civilisations are forms of expression through which we live and grow and then they fade as a new turn of the spiral lifts us into a finer, more synthesised field of being and expression. The water of life flows through each passing era carrying us on to live more truly the inherent nature, the “DNA”, of the Great Life of which we are an organic part.

To pour forth the water of life for thirsty men and women can mean many things. One meaning is to respond to humanity’s thirst for love by revealing and expressing the true nature of the soul. To remake the world—to transform it from a sphere of isolation into a realm of brotherhood—is to pour forth the healing love of the soul. Its waters never run dry for they are replenished constantly by the love of the Brotherhood of Light, which is replenished by love from the Heart of the Sun. To pour forth the waters of love is to bind isolated beings into a single living entity sensitive to the heartbeat of the Creator.” ibid from K-Message #29

Christ came into the world two thousand years ago to demonstrate love in living expression.

Right now we are fast approaching a new era in which that mighty Heart is beating through every heart that awakens to its impulse. Knowing hearts see the beauty and hear the music of this new era of the Soul – of sensitivity to life currents that flow through all, to one another and to all that embody the one life of Earth. Christ came into the world two thousand years ago to demonstrate love in living expression. Now we are at the dawn of a new cycle in which He will appear again for those who see and listen through the eyes and ears of the heart. This time He will not come alone but with our Elder Brothers, the Saints and the great Angels. The Master DK writes that:

..when He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the new age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case.” The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 508

The civilisation of the Soul in expression is at hand.

The civilisation of the Soul in expression is at hand. We are told that “Beauty is the magnet of the new world and love is its portal of entry.” ibid from K Message #9 Beauty and love heal, nourish and bring joy to our souls.

Joy is a synthesis of light and love. It arises from the wisdom of the heart that has known the pain of human living. It is the reward of the soul that has extricated itself from the world of division, separation and conquest and, by passing through the searing, purifying fires of transformation, has entered into the union that is called the Kingdom of Souls. The exultation of divine union appears in the joy radiating from the purified soul. That joy, flowing from spiritual love and the light of wisdom, holds a key to the future revelation of heaven on earth.” ibid from K-Message #30

To all our readers – we wish you the uplifting Joy of Christmas and a New Year of deep inner Peace.

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”  ~ Luke 2:10


About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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