…the more we look for the human spirit, the more we will see it and give it presence and power.
Perhaps one of the most inspiring demonstrations affirming the beauty of the soul despite material destruction is that of Karim Wasfi playing his cello in the midst of the devastation from a recently exploded bomb in Baghdad, Iraq. The beautiful strains of harmony, expressing the sadness and beauty of things, radiating through the destroyed shops and homes, seemed to build something more subtle and transcendent, weaving a tapestry of beauty through the hearts of those around and bringing tears of joy to their eyes.
For a video of this and an interview with Karim see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc7lfPFTqh4
On the other side of the world a renowned violinist played in the Metro in Washington D.C. as an experiment. His exquisite playing was ignored by passers-by whose hearts, immersed in daily cares, seemed deaf to the beauty being showered on them. One might wonder what it takes to open the human heart. The violinist was Joshua Bell.
The video of this experiment is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZeSZFYCNRw
In the Agni Yoga writings we are told:
People desire communion with Us; the first key for them will be the realization of their own inner rhythm. There can be the finest music and singing, yet nothing will resound in the heart that is deaf. In contrast, a refined heart will tremble in harmonious response to the rhythm. The seeker will then become better, more courageous and strong; he will be a worthy co-worker of the earthly and of the Supermundane, and will find joy…” Supermundane, 605
The will of the human heart, the Fire of Love, is rising up
It is the Fire of Love which He will bring; it is the message of the purificatory fire which He will sound; He will not teach anent the waters of purification, as has hitherto been the symbolic imparted truth; He will impart the fire which burns and destroys all barriers in man’s nature, all separating walls between individuals, between groups and between nations…” Discipleship in the New Age, page 722
And hearts will need the fiery wings of will to navigate into the new dawn.
… Some may ask, ‘What if some strata of the Supermundane World are made ugly by the ignorance of their dwellers? Not every newcomer will be able to go beyond these dark strata.’
Answer, ‘Everyone, if not burdened by offences against morality, can fly through the darkened strata and reach the sphere of Harmony.’
People are given powerful wings called the will; but it must not be thought that the will can be formed by oneself, forcibly. It must be cultivated, as a precious flower. And man does not know when the ‘Fiery Lotus’ will blossom. Sometimes the lowest, everyday conditions will not be an impediment to a wonderful flowering; thus, man can prepare himself for a most important flight. He will be able to pass by the darkened strata, almost without noticing the ugliness of ignorance. Man is able to ascend to wherever the guiding magnet attracts him.
In ancient initiations the disciple had to pass through a chamber filled with most frightful images. The disciple had to proceed with open eyes, but it was up to him not to notice the surrounding horrors. This test of will preceded entrance into the Chamber of Beauty. Similar tests take place at the entrance to the Supermundane World. The traveler must strengthen his will and learn to focus his thinking toward the final consummation.
The Thinker said, ‘Be able to fly above all barriers.’” Supermundane, 813
Ordinary citizens … are becoming more clear-eyed and the light of their vision is shining through and inspiring others as they bring help and change for those in need.
But we are learning to listen through all outer seeming, to listen and see with the heart.
To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, on the path of the Hierarchy, on the path of the Great Service, on the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can seekers radiate the rays manifested if there is no flame affirmed in their hearts? It is precisely the quality of a magnet that lies latent in the heart. The loftiest creativity is pervaded with this great law. Thus, every consummation, every unification, every cosmic union is achieved through the flame of the heart. In what way can a foundation be laid for great steps? Truly, only by way of the heart. The arcs of consciousness merge in the flame of the heart.
So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Indeed, the silver thread that connects the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart. The unification of the Teacher and disciple affirms the essence of all aspects of evolution.” Heart, 1
It is a time for clear decision – whether we choose the way of the fiery heart, the willing soul, or that of temporary material gain.
The heart thinks, the heart affirms, the heart unifies. One can always recall the significance of the heart, which for so long has been obscured by the brain. The heart will be the first to thrill, the heart will be the first to quiver, the heart will discern a great deal before the reasoning of the brain dares to begin thinking. Could we fail to eliminate the tortuous path of the brain? Could we pass over in silence the heart’s most direct attainment, the arrow-like ray that the miraculous heart is capable of emanating? So it is possible to commune with the heart and protect oneself from all the attacks of evil. Only through the heart can one sense the brown gas and arrest the process of asphyxiation in time. For the same reason, too, the victory on the field of Armageddon will belong to the heart. That is why I so strongly advise that you safeguard the heart as a sword that smites any and all evil.” Heart, 353
Let us prepare our hearts for the World Teacher and pave the way for the coming of His Feet.
“Only from the heart can you touch the sky” ~Rumi