Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Resurrection and Immortality at the Heart of Global Silent Minute’s 2025 Theme


Currently in Sydney that is 8:00AM AEDT

Gratitude to everyone who participated in the Annual Global Silent Minute with its launch of the 2025 daily theme: to resurrect Truth though Silence as Action: 365 days; 365 ways to resurrect Truth through Silence as Action.

The power of Silence is magnified 100-fold when we gather together in sacred unity, in sacred community: in the Oneness of Communion. Heartfelt Gratitude to all for our service through radiation.

Here is the link for the Half Hour Program:

The Spirit of Resurrection

It’s interesting to note that behind words we use, there’s usually a well of knowing lying dormant if we skate across the surface of life. Such has been the case with “resurrection”.

Its significance was derailed for centuries as followers of Christianity were preoccupied with the apparently dead rather than the living Christ. The knowing of Mary Magdalene, His closest co-worker, and first witness to His resurrection, was also sidelined.

Resurrection of the spirit in humanity – in all forms, in all kingdoms, is the objective of the entire evolutionary process and this involves liberation from materialism with its belief in death.

There is an entity that embodies the energy of resurrection and that entity is called The Spirit of Resurrection Who is the Sun of Righteousness who arises with “Healing in His wings” and carries (i) a vision which gives incentive to eternal life and (ii) a life-giving energy which counteracts death. It’s His energy that resurrects the livingness of humanity’s spiritual objectives and planning; and engenders the vitality needed to implement them [See note 1, below].

In the Capricorn labour, we could say that Hercules is overshadowed by the Spirit of Resurrection as he undertakes his task to release Prometheus from realms of death where daily he endures the pain and suffering of having his liver plucked out by vultures. To do this Hercules has to enter the realm of death in full waking consciousness. To do this, he had to know that he lives in the three worlds of Spirit or Fire, Soul or Subtle and Personality or Manifest Worlds simultaneously. He has to break-through the illusion that worlds are separate and shatter the idea that death precedes his entrance into Hades or Pluto’s domain.

Thus he disrupts the usual acceptances in relation to moving from the Manifest into the Subtle World shocking Charon, the ferryman, responsible for the safe passage of sleepy travellers who have already discarded their physical bodies on the shores of the River Styx. Hercules, still embodied and wearing the form of his garments from the Manifest World, is wide awake in his transference from the Manifest to the Subtle realms.

And, when He encounters the ruler of the subjective dimensions, Hades or Pluto, he speaks the Truth of his mission. Ruthlessly forensic in His respect for Truth, Pluto recognises this in Hercules and thus, meets him in Truth and simply tells him what he needs to do to succeed in his mission. This Hercules does and consequently liberates Prometheus – the one who is being punished by the Gods for giving the gift of fire to Humanity. Hercules liberates him from his pain and daily suffering.

The Liberating Power of Pain

Pain, according to the Tibetan Master DK, is the great purifying agent for Humanity. It is employed by the Lords of Destiny to bring about Liberation.

And, just as there is an Entity who embodies the energy of “resurrection” so too is there an Entity who rules over Pain. He’s called the Lord of Pain. He treads the ways of Earth, and brings about distress, agony and terror to those who cannot interpret His ends. However, the Lord of Pain also re-stimulates the higher aspect of the instinct to self-preservation which shifts humanity’s attention from its focus on its preservation of the form to a focus on the life aspect. The higher aspect of the instinct to self-preservation is the instinct to immortality [See note 2, below]. The instinct to immortality resurrects the recognition and realisation of our true identity as beings living simultaneously within the three worlds – the Fiery, the Subtle and the Manifest.

So during these Capricornian energies, let us take the opportunity to imagine co-working with the Spirit of Resurrection and the Lord of Pain as we sense the fire, the spirit behind the forms that resurrects the instinct to immortality.

Throughout 2025 as we cooperate daily to resurrect Truth through Silence as Action we resurrect the livingness of our true identity and thus infuse our spiritual objectives and planning with a new vitality as we implement the New Era.


Note 1: Useful references to the Spirit of Resurrection are drawn from Bailey, A.A (1957), The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Press, pages 457-459, 469-471 and 555.
Note 2: Ibid, 116.

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

One comment

  1. Yes!… Beautiful Because It’s True…

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