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Secrets of the Solar Lords

47 minute consciousness-expanding video from Justin Wilkinson.  Based on excerpts from an occult book ‘Echoes of the Cosmic Song’ by Mary Gray, and a prologue adapted from the Secret Doctrine.  Mary Gray was born in Paris in 1886.  She knew many of the outstanding leaders of thought in Europe and America.  She was a member of the Theosophical Society.

Peace; this is the most precious possession of the Human Heart, it should be treasured and never lost, since only in the sanctuary of Peace within the Heart, can the Light of Divinity shine forth.”

When the mirror of the mind is stilled, upon its shiny surface, appear reflections of the new splendours of the coming age.”

The Book of Dzyan

The stanzas of The Book of Dzyan are not easy to understand, but they reveal, to the person willing to study them, a sublime description of cosmic evolution:

  • the reawakening of the universe after a period of quiescence, the differentiation of forms, the process of world formation, the appearance of humanity on earth, and the early evolution of our species. 1.

Vol. 1, Page  27   THE SECRET DOCTRINE.
In Seven Stanzas translated from the Book of Dzyan.



1. The eternal parent wrapped in her ever invisible robes had slumbered once again for seven eternities.

2. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration.

3. Universal mind was not, for there were no Ah-hi to contain it.

4. The seven ways to bliss were not. The great causes of misery were not, for there was no one to produce and get ensnared by them.

5. Darkness alone filled the boundless all, for father, mother and son were once more one, and the son had not awakened yet for the new wheel, and his pilgrimage thereon.

6. The seven sublime lords and the seven truths had ceased to be, and the Universe, the son of Necessity, was immersed in Paranishpanna, to be outbreathed by that which is and yet is not. Naught was.

7. The causes of existence had been done away with; the visible that was, and the invisible that is, rested in eternal non-being — the one being.

8. Alone the one form of existence stretched boundless, infinite, causeless, in dreamless sleep; and life pulsated unconscious in universal space, throughout that all-presence which is sensed by the opened eye of the Dangma.

9. But where was the Dangma when the Alaya of the universe was in Paramartha and the great wheel was Anupadaka?

Vol. 1, Page  28   THE SECRET DOCTRINE.

1. . . . Where were the builders, the luminous sons of Manvantaric dawn? . . . In the unknown darkness in their Ah-hi Paranishpanna. The producers of form from no-form — the root of the world — the Devamatri and Svabhavat, rested in the bliss of non-being.

2. . . . Where was silence? Where the ears to sense it? No, there was neither silence nor sound; naught save ceaseless eternal breath, which knows itself not.

3. The hour had not yet struck; the ray had not yet flashed into the Germ; the Matripadma had not yet swollen.

4. Her heart had not yet opened for the one ray to enter, thence to fall, as three into four, into the lap of Maya.

5. The seven sons were not yet born from the web of light. Darkness alone was father-mother, Svabhavat; and Svabhavat was in darkness.

6. These two are the Germ, and the Germ is one. The Universe was still concealed in the Divine thought and the Divine bosom. . . .



About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Hi, where can I find part 2?

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