Sunday , 23 February 2025
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Our Planet is Alive

Our Planet is Alive

We began to see our planet in its wholeness, as a single great Life expressing through a heavenly body.

When the astronauts introduced us to a view of our planet as a whole, they revealed a Sun’s view – a solar view – of the beautiful blue jewel that is our home. They lifted the veil for us to see and know it through the eyes of the soul. This new perception of our Earth was broadcast all around the world and continues to inspire. At the time, we were united together in a realisation of the beauty of our oneness. Since then old patterns of lesser compass may have reasserted to some extent, but from that moment a great change in human consciousness was underway. We began to see our planet in its wholeness, as a single great Life expressing through a heavenly body. And we realised that we are intrinsically part of that glorious life, that it flows through us:

The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day
runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth
in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.

It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth
and of death, in ebb and in flow.

I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.
Stream of Life by Rabindranath Tagore

Our planet is the organically alive vehicle of a great living Entity

Our planet is the organically alive vehicle of a great living Entity whose intention flows through all the kingdoms which make up the vehicle of expression of its life – from the subtle cosmic dimensions to the atomic cells in the earth substance of its material body. We participate as cells in this expression, interconnected elements within it.

Our planet is alive. Its will radiates out from its point of Being, is apprehended in Shamballa and distributed through the planetary Heart (the Spiritual Hierarchy) and thence through us in the human kingdom. It is imprinted in the instinctual living of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Its will is the divine Plan, a living Plan. It lives through us. It flows and unfolds through streams of love which create pathways of interconnection throughout – Spiritual Love, Soul Love, personal love – all under the great Law of Attraction.

Love is the cohering power which holds everything together.

Love is the cohering power which holds everything together. It holds the planetary body together, and all within it, to the degree that its flow is enabled. This is the divine circulatory flow. It carries the purpose which synthesizes and which is implemented through loving interconnections and exchange. The key to entering this divine circulatory flow is Love, the will to love, the Fire of Love.

This stream carries the divine intention to ignite the flame of the human heart so that the Fire of Love of the mighty heart of the planet might pour through the heart of the human kingdom to sustain the life of every part of the planetary vehicle of expression: its lands, oceans, rivers, plants, animals, human beings – all who embody the One Life of Earth, the synthesis of its life.

We are receivers and distributors of the unfolding divine intention and are destined to become the custodians of the Plan

When we consciously share in this life, everything flows to where it is needed – life resources are shared equitably according to need rather than desire or demand. The essential living, organic process of mutual exchange – of need and response, or invocation and evocation – operates freely and sustains the divine circulatory flow. Telepathic interplay is then automatic and we enter the communion of life through all the kingdoms. We are receivers and distributors of the unfolding divine intention and are destined to become the custodians of the Plan and thereby custodians of the planet. The Tibetan Master described the Plan “as at present sensed” as:

…the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time. It will make available to every man all past achievements and knowledges, it will reveal to man the true significance of his mind and brain and make him the master of that equipment and will make him therefore omnipresent and eventually open the door to omniscience.” A treatise on White Magic, page 403-4

As we enter more consciously into this subjective synthesis and telepathic interplay our sense of identity expands into the underlying synthesis of the Whole, the Life aspect. As the Tibetan Master explains:

In the state of being which we call the monadic… it is realised that there is no identity apart from universality and no appreciation of the universal apart from the individual realisation” a “realisation of identification with both the part and the whole…” The Rays & the Initiations, page 106

In this way we open up a pathway of unfolding love for the reappearance of the Christ and the Hierarchy to institute the rule of the Enlightened in the Age of Light

Then we live as conscious distributors of the great planetary Life, as living souls – in the world yet not of the world, but as an extension of that great Centre of radiatory distribution, the planetary Heart. In this way we open up a pathway of unfolding love for the reappearance of the Christ and the Hierarchy to institute the rule of the Enlightened in the Age of Light, the new era of the Soul. The material substance of all planes and all forms of existence then becomes light-filled and the Mother of the world is restored to her true rule radiating the essence of that light to nurture everything within the divine compass.

As this new age comes into being there is turmoil wherever limiting thought-forms retain their hold on our consciousness. But new light is pouring in through those who are sensitive to it and who are opening up to all that it portends. These conscious souls are all around the world, and are already setting in motion new ways of living under divine impulse that recognise and respond to real need and so lift us into the new era.

* * * * * *

Across the deserts, seas, and mountains,
You transport yourselves in one breath.
And there, face to face, we meet.
There is no space. Time exists not.
The power of knowledge is manifested.

Is it easy to soar when you have wings?
I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings.
But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet, fly not.
Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly?
By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of earthly desires.
It is simple, for all things are simple.

Soar with your thoughts. Fly by affirmation.
Fly by love.
And you will realize the joy of flying.
And the gulf of life will remain far below you.
And a miracle of flaming colors will radiate near the splendor of the Southern Cross.
All is attainable.
Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 328

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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