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The Flame of the Inner Sun is Shining Through
Photo: Rahul Pandit

The Flame of the Inner Sun is Shining Through

…the changing of the seasons draws our attention to the cyclic renewal of life as it flows through time

As the first Winter chill arrives here in the Southern Hemisphere the changing of the seasons draws our attention to the cyclic renewal of life as it flows through time, creating and enlivening new forms and withdrawing from those that no longer serve its beneficent intention. This constant renewing affirms the eternal continuity of Life as it cycles in and out of forms and carries forward its mighty purpose. Its essence is shared by all creation. In the latest World Goodwill Newsletter, titled “Thinking the Future into Existence,” we read:

Wise thinkers have, throughout the ages suggested that the substance of the world, and the essential dynamic of time, are imbued with a purposeful force, often understood as a divine impulse, driving the cycles and rounds of evolution. From this perspective our time is infused with the tension of transformation. Thoughts about what is possible shape the will in the present to bring about transformation in the future, aligning that will with a higher spirit of purpose. Focused imaginative thought about a world in which the natural quality of goodwill radiates through all the structures and systems of relationship makes initiatory transformation of human affairs a practical possibility.” – Read online

Life is the eternal flame at the heart of every atom, every memory, every dimension of being.

Life is the eternal flame at the heart of every atom, every memory, every dimension of being. The marvellous capacity of human consciousness to penetrate Life’s vastness is the assurance of our continuity through time and space and its infinite memory that can be drawn forth as needed. A wise poet explained:

What though the sea with waves continuall
Doe eate the earth, it is no more at all ;
Ne is the earth the lesse, or loseth ought :
For whatsoever from one place doth fall
Is with the tyde unto another brought :
For there is nothing lost, that may be found if sought.”
Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene

…in the mighty turning of the great Wheel of Life we are approaching the return of the Christ

Cycles remind of the past and bring change toward the future – whether the smaller cycles of individual living or the larger cycles of the seasons, of generations, of Ages. And in the mighty turning of the great Wheel of Life we are approaching the return of the Christ on the higher turn of its evolutionary spiral. His reappearance is a reaffirmation of the livingness that pervades everything in cyclic waves of creation. In Christ’s own words as recorded in the Bible:

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”John 10:10

…the deeper recesses of the human heart are opening for the flame of the inner sun to shine through.

While the darkness of death and destruction appears to be spreading across the surface of the planet, the reality is that the deeper recesses of the human heart are opening for the flame of the inner sun to shine through. Collectively we are realising our shared responsibility for all that unfolds through the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of the dimensions of our Earthly home. Many are adding their voices to a call for justice and compassion to prevail. The initiators of war and oppression are being recognised by all and losing credibility and support. Issues are becoming starkly clear so that we can actively choose the way of life, love, and light – if we are not blinded by the manipulations of those giving power to darkness and death.

Life is eternal and death only holds sway within the illusions that arise from identifying with the forms we inhabit. The inner Spirit knows no death as it cycles in and out of form in its evolutionary journey of realisation and revelation until oneness and the synthesis of Life is fully realised throughout our world. St Paul reminded us:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

Love is the antidote that opens the heart, the door to the true freedom of the soul.

Fear can imprison us within the weavings of those who would hold us in thrall. Love is the antidote that opens the heart, the door to the true freedom of the soul. The Tibetan master explains:

The moment that the hearts of men are active, that moment sees the termination of emotional, solar plexus activity. That is a statement of fact; it is the hearts of men which respond to the call of Christ and it is those hearts which are becoming invocative today. The agonising emotional cycle through which humanity has passed during the past one hundred years, and the emotional tension in which men today live are also playing their part in fitting humanity to emerge into the realm of clear thought; this will mark a significant turning point in human history and will be one of the results of Christ’s future scientific work (if I may use this term) with the hearts of men, bringing them into rapport with the Heart of God. … This field of experience and of trial is well known to all aspirants and is the battlefield of millions. The Christ within, as the Controller of the individual life, can bring that battle to an end; the aspirant can emerge clear sighted and unafraid. The appearance of the Christ among men will do the same thing for humanity as a whole, not in any vicarious sense but through the livingness of His Presence, stimulating the Christ principle in every human heart.” The Reappearance of the Christ, page 135-6

Let all human hearts open to the flow of the love of God and create a pathway of return for the Light of the World

As the human heart opens, the way is cleared for the invocative call of the need of the many lives to reach the centre of all Life. That call will evoke the unfolding of the divinely beneficent purpose for our beautiful world. Let all human hearts open to the flow of the love of God and create a pathway of return for the Light of the World that He may teach the ways of the will of God that holds all in dynamic living Presence. And let us not forget the power of the radiance that shines through the heart:

Just as the sun is the heart of the system, the human heart is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; that is why the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly means to leave the heart out in the cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart comes alive, the need for the magnet’s warmth will make it shine forth like a true sun. It has been said: “Let your heart lead you in crossing Santana.” That is how you can make the concept of the heart resistant to the cold. You can look upon the rhythm of the heart as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the Heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has felt astonishment at how a ray of the rising sun can instantly insulate everything from the cold. The heart can do the very same thing!
I am speaking of the warmth of the heart now that it is especially necessary. A thought surging forth in aspiration sets space on fire, while the warmth of the heart is a constant hearth. Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart—remember this! The manifestation of the dark forces acts like frost on a sown field. Only the heart’s warmth provides a radiant shield. But just as we conduct tests on light waves with delicate care, we should approach the heart with caution and solicitude.” Heart, 62

Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart—remember this! ~ Heart 62

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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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