In any list of 10 to 101 suggestions to save the planet, the realisation of beauty is rarely, if ever, on it. Yet, in the Agni Yoga Teachings, it is said that:
“the realisation of beauty will save the world”.
New Era Community, 27.
This statement is part of the whole gift of the Agni Yoga Teachings which includes the published works and the paintings of Nicholas Roerich, many of which, like the books, are imbued with psychic energy.
So what is “psychic energy”? It has many names, such as:
Fiery Energy
Materia Lucida
The life force
The Holy Ghost
Living Silver
The synthesis of all radiations of the nerves
The great AUM
Energy of Space
The fiery might
channel of the creative force
impeller to knowledge
These names all are useful facets through which we may come “in touch” with psychic energy, however, to appreciate what it is we must remember that it is the primary energy which is everywhere present and inexhaustible. As the primary energy, it flows everywhere, and can be observed in all manifestations of life (Supermundane, 501). Indeed, the Cosmos as a unified structure, is held together by primary energy (Supermundane, 481); and we can achieve a transformation of our entire life simply by our realisation of this primary energy (Supermundane 2) which is the fundamental substance of the Universe and of every living being…if we but realise it.
This primary energy is also known as Beauty. Beauty releases primary or psychic energy because it evokes the spark within – making divinity radio-active.
Clearly, this definition of Beauty liberates our thinking about it in relation to art and the appreciation of the aesthetics and form to connecting it to the fire of spirit. This definition is more akin to the poet John Keats’ recognition of “Beauty’s” interchangeability with “Truth” in Ode on a Grecian Urn.
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
As we reflect on the 2025 theme for Global Silent Minute: to resurrect Truth through Silence as Action, we realise that we are simultaneously invoking the resurrection of this more holistic understanding of Beauty as Truth.
The proliferation of forces – in all arenas of human activity – that consciously practise lying and manufacture words and worlds of disinformation represent the antithesis of those evolutionary forces working in service of the Truth/Beauty.
And the consequences are dire.
When we do not express Truth in thought, word and deed, it not only impacts our immediate vicinity but also may spread like an infection around the globe, and resounds in Cosmos.
If we want to save the world, we have an opportunity wherever we are to express Truth – as if it were an oath that’s required to be sworn in court – where we pledge to tell the whole truth and nothing but the Truth. We do this – regardless of fear. Fear, in the teachings on agni or fire, is called a fire extinguisher. Instead, we stand in courage – the rage of the heart – and harmlessly speak Truth to power. In the process we recognise and realise the power of Truth and consequently of Beauty, to save the world.
In the first book of the Agni Yoga Teachings, entitled The Call, Master Morya, articulates the Call to Beauty:
You with open ear,
You with open eye,
You who know Me,
Blessings unto you.
Let My Name be a forged talisman to you.
May the depths of Heaven be bountiful to you.
Blessings unto you.
Direct your eye like a falcon into the distance.
This is My counsel.
You, My disciples, behold!
Dream of the future and you will see the regeneration of the world.
Forget not compassion in your striving.
Understand Me.
Remember, Art is the one vital medium of the coming culture.
Through Beauty will you approach.
Understand and remember.
I have entrusted you to pronounce Beauty.
I bid you pronounce Beauty.
You, my daughter, said—Love.
And you, my son, said—Action.
And you, both, said—Beauty.
If you desire the gates to be opened to you, use My Sign.
I said Beauty, in combat and victory.
I said Beauty, and failure was covered by Beauty.
Mountains blossomed with Beauty.
And you must give entrance to the flowers of Beauty.
Let the children approach.
Bow before Him Who brought the Beauty of the great Universe.
Understand, there are no possessions—nor decisions, nor pride, nor repentance.
There is one thing alone—Beauty.
And to you I say:
Guard, expound, and affirm this Beauty.
Therein lies your way.
With Beauty shall I meet those who will come to Me.
And they are already on their way.
~ Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 333
Let us respond to the Call and work to realise the power of Beauty and Truth to save the world.
As Nicholas Roerich wrote:
“In Beauty we are united!
Through Beauty we pray!
With Beauty we conquer!”
Acknowledgements: Nicholas Roerich’s paintings are sourced from