The oath a witness in court undertakes to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” is familiar to most of us either through TV courtroom dramas or direct experience. It can be so familiar that our thinking might bypass the deeper significance behind those words. As has often been demonstrated, our perception of what is true is constrained by the scope of our understanding and worldview as well as our expectations and assumptions based on the conditioning influences of our lives. But, behind the worldly perceptions and partial truths, there is a greater Truth unfolding through human experience and into expression in our world.
In these challenging times of transition there are many and various “witness accounts” influenced by partisanship and vested interests. To find the truth we have to rely on our intuition as best we can, and to be open to a wider and deeper perspective and a longer view. Through the chaos of surface events and natural catastrophes, a divine Plan is working out through our planet. We are its agency in the world, and witnessing from that vaster perspective can help think it into being. Some 80 years ago the Tibetan Master wrote of a new group of world servers thinking truth:
In every European country, in the United States of America, and in parts of Asia and South Africa are to be found certain disciples, usually unrecognised in the world at large, who are thinking truth. Let me call your attention to that phrase. The most important workers in this new group and those who are closest to the Great Ones are those whose daily thought life is oriented by the new ideal. That this thought life of theirs may work out in definite exoteric activities may be true, but they are first of all and always those who live in and work from the “high and secret place”. Their influence is wielded silently and quietly and they lay no emphasis upon their personalities, upon their own views and ideas, or upon their methods of carrying forward the work. These possess a full realisation of their own limitations, but are not handicapped thereby, but proceed to think through into objective manifestation that aspect of the vision which it is their mission to vivify into form. They are necessarily cultured and widely read, for in these difficult transitional times they have to cultivate a world grasp of conditions and possess a general idea of what is going on in the different countries. They possess in truth no nationality in the sense that they regard their country and their political affiliations as of paramount importance. They are equipped to organise, slowly and steadily, that public opinion which will eventually divorce man from religious sectarianism, national exclusiveness, and racial biases.
~ A Treatise on White Magic, page 416-7
While we are incarnated here in the midst of a maelstrom of change, we can serve the beneficent Plan for our world and all souls within it by thinking through to the greater Truth behind outer events – by thinking from our highest and best selves as souls aligned with the good of the greater whole. The Agni Yoga teachings tell us that:
The spiritualization of thought is a true fiery quality. It is like the tempering of the blade in preparation for battle. It is one thing to have a fleeting thought, which, however useful, only skims over the consciousness and is quickly dispersed in space. But it is of much deeper significance when the thought is firmly enveloped in the heart. One can regard this process even from the physical point of view alone. Therefore it is useful at the inception of a thought to give oneself the following command, “I will place this thought upon my heart!” This advice will give much discipline to the thinking beginner. Moreover, whatever is consciously deposited in the heart remains in the Chalice.
~ Fiery World I, Sloka 419
The awakening of the human heart indicates the growing presence of the human soul in the world. This is also called Christ consciousness, and it manifests in the wise and loving understanding which the Christ demonstrated and which the Coming One will radiate. Many are now striving to do likewise, each according to their capacity, and in this time of crises the opportunity for progress is great as old structures break down and we seek a new ideal. These are the ones who will recognise Him when He appears for they see with the eyes of the heart. The Tibetan Master explains:
As the Bible says: ‘the love of God is shed abroad’ in the human heart, and its transforming, magnetic and radiatory power is essential for the reconstruction of the world and for the establishment of the new world order. Upon the unfoldment of the heart centre, and on an intelligent relation of mankind to the Hierarchy, with the consequent response of man to the energy of love, all disciples are asked at this time to ponder and reflect, for as a “man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” …Feeling in the heart is often confused with thinking. The ability to think in the heart is the result of the process of transmuting desire into love during the task of elevating the forces of the solar plexus into the heart centre. …. Thinking as a result of correct feeling is then substituted for personal sensitivity. It gives us the first faint indications, likewise, of that state of being which is characteristic of the [spirit]…
~ Esoteric Healing, page 157
Thinking in the heart differs from the reasoning of the mind. It is a direct knowing, beyond the limitations of words and formulations, which resonates with, sees into, and knows the heart of all. Truth abides in the heart. So let us observe world events through the wise and loving understanding of the heart. Only thus can we see the direction of the unfolding Plan and help to open the way into the coming world of the Soul.
…Let us not calculate precisely what kind of manifestation is most important. Sometimes the seemingly small revelations are more significant than the most soul-shaking ones. Learn how to sense the manifestations. Which one will sound deep in the heart? Truth is in the heart, knowledge is in the heart, revelation is in the heart. It is said that the Yoga of Love is the shortest path. Truly, it can be called the Yoga of the Heart.
All cognitions of the Supermundane are formed in the heart. Thought has its origin in the heart, and is then conveyed to the brain. Let everyone who wishes to turn to the Supermundane summon the power of his heart, for it alone will resound to Infinity…
~ Supermundane, sloka 689
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“My Smile attends you, My friends.
The spirit feels turmoil, but be wise.
The surest knowledge is the heart’s.”
~ Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 47