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UN Peace Day, 21st September 2019

Peace Day 2019 – Climate Action for Peace

As we observe the world, its people and the challenges we all face in our time, a call goes out to all who have within them the seeds of Peace – to all who have an understanding of the One World shared by the One Humanity – knowing that we all have common needs and common goals within a rich diversity of expression – that there is room and sustenance sufficient for us all on this planet – that there is nothing to fight for or against when we know one another within the one body of Humanity. ”
~ Merle Stubbs, Seeds of Peace

The UN continues its important focus, inviting the people of the world to observe a minute of silence at 12 noon local time, setting up a wave of silence beginning in New Zealand and flowing around the world to end in Samoa almost 48 hours later.

From Secretary General, António Guterres

Every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another.  …I invite global reflection on this year’s timely theme.

Climate Action for Peace” brings a clear message: the global climate emergency is a threat to security and stability. As coastal areas and degraded inland areas are becoming uninhabitable, millions of people are being forced to seek safety and better lives elsewhere. With extreme weather events and disasters becoming more frequent and severe, disputes over dwindling resources risk fueling climate-related conflict.

Last month, I visited the South Pacific and saw the challenges being endured by those on the frontlines of this existential danger.  But it is not just remote islands whose future is in jeopardy.  What is happening there is a sign of what is in store for all humankind.  Urgent climate action is a global imperative.

To mobilize the ambition we need, I am convening a Climate Action Summit on 23 September, at UN Headquarters in New York. I have asked world leaders to come with concrete and realistic plans to rapidly accelerate action to implement the Paris Agreement, and to make a pivotal shift toward a cleaner, safer and greener future.  In this endeavor, they will be backed by the passionate voices of young women and men around the world, who understand their future is at stake.

This is the battle of our lives, and a race against time. We can win — and we must.  Solutions are in our hands: tax pollution, not people; stop subsidizing fossil fuels; stop building new coal plants by 2020; focus on a green economy, not a grey economy. I count on your continued support as we strive to build a world where we can live every day in harmony with the environment and with each other.

“It is possible to achieve our goals, but we need decisions, political will and transformational policies to allow us to still live in peace with our own climate.”

What can youth do to get involved?

Young people are stepping up to the challenge – close to half a million youth around the world have taken action on climate change in their homes, schools and communities. According to UNFCCC, they are key actors in raising awareness, running educational programmes, promoting sustainable lifestyles, conserving nature, supporting renewable energy, adopting environmentally-friendly practices and implementing adaptation and mitigation projects.

This year, the International Day of Peace Student Observance, to take place on 20 September 2019 at United Nations Headquarters, will provide a platform for young people to showcase the projects that they have undertaken to fight climate change and promote peace. The student observance will be held immediately following the Peace Bell Ceremony, which begins at 9 a.m. with the Secretary-General and will be webcast live at  More Information is available at :  OR

On Saturday, September 21st, we invite you to take peace into the world.  Forgive someone in your life, bring peace into your workplace, or organize a peace project.  

Growing Peace

Join the Cygnet Centre for Peacebuilding and Transformation on Saturday 21 September to honour International Peace Day.

Our event this year titled “Growing Peace“, is a two-part, arts-based celebration. The afternoon event “Expressions of Peace” will include a Welcome to Country, a Corroboree by Gifted Murris Unit, collaborative arts activities, a talking circle focussed around peace, inclusion, and reconciliation, and a closing ceremony featuring multicultural, interfaith songs, and the creation of a ‘Peace Tree.’ Community art and craft activities, including making peace flags and talking sticks, a collaborative canvas, and the creation of messages of peace for the Peace Tree will take place throughout the afternoon. The afternoon event will run for 2.30pm-6.00pm and tickets cost $5.00.

We invite you to join us in strengthening the Peace Wave by tuning in for a minute of silence at 12.00 Noon on September 21. We would also welcome your subjective support for our event before or on the day. Further information can be obtained by emailing or phoning Cygnet at: , or 0424 793 095.

The afternoon event will be followed by “Harmonies for Peace” an evening concert of intercultural sacred music with singers Kim Cunio and Heather Lee. The evening concert will start at 7.00pm and tickets cost $25.00.

Both events will be held in the grounds and under the dome at the White Eagle Lodge, 19 Tesch Road Maleny.  Tickets and food for both events can be booked through: TryBooking (

To find out more, visit the events tab at, like our Cygnet’s Facebook page (, or call 0424 793 095.

24 Hour Global Meditation vigil

meditation vigil

using the Great Invocation or another world prayer every 15 minutes.

Please add the radiations of your mind and heart to a Global Vigil of Invocation, Meditation and Prayer in support of International Day of Peace, 2019.

To support this Day on a spiritual level, the UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative and Intuition in Service coordinate an international Vigil for the 24 hours of September 21st in all time zones – with the object of joining with people of goodwill around the world to help create an atmosphere of mind and heart that is conducive to the emergence of a culture of peace and goodwill.

 A Pulse of Invocative Energy

The 24 hours of September 21st are divided into 15 minute periods in every time zone on the planet. Every 15 minutes, in every time zone, groups and individuals from around the world are invited to use an Invocation for Peace and for the values needed to create cultures of peace. Will you or your group commit yourself to spend specific 15 minute periods in prayer or meditation for a culture of peace and goodwill – beginning and ending the period with a sounding of the Great Invocation, or the Peace Invocation ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’,  or an invocation or prayer for world peace of your choice? Imagine the rhythmic pulse of invocation flowing from around the globe every 15 minutes.

How to participate:

  1. Begin precisely on the quarter hour for the times you have undertaken to participate in the vigil by using the Great Invocation, ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ or another invocation or world prayer.
  2. Link in thought with the others who are linking at the same precise time as you and then with everyone in the world who will be acting for peace on this special day.
  3. Reflect on humanity’s need for light, love and spiritual purpose… and recognise that each person has a role to play in creating cultures of peace and goodwill.
  4. Visualise the lighted, loving energies that can create the mental and emotional understanding and atmosphere within which right relations and peace can flourish in ourselves, our communities, our nations, and our world
  5. Use the Great Invocation, ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ or another world prayer of your choice precisely on the end of the quarter hour. As you do this think of the rhythmic pulse of invocation flooding the mental environment of the planet.

~ ~ ~ Inspirations ~ ~ ~

The Spirit of Peace

The Spirit of Peace will, when the right time comes, vitalise the responsiveness of humanity, via the influence of the Hierarchy, to the will of God which has for basic intent the bringing of peace on earth. What is peace? It is essentially the establishing of right human relations, of synthetic rapport with its resultant cooperation, of correct interplay between the three planetary centres and an illumined, loving understanding of the will of God as it affects humanity and works out divine intent.”
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy page 161-2

The Reappearance

When the Christ, the Avatar of Love, makes His reappearance then will the
‘Sons of men who are now the Sons of God withdraw Their faces from the shining light and radiate that light upon the sons of men who know not yet they are the Sons of God. Then shall the Coming One appear, His footsteps hastened through the valley of the shadow by the One of awful power Who stands upon the mountain top, breathing out love eternal, light supernal and peaceful, silent Will.
‘Then will the sons of men respond. Then will a newer light shine forth into the dismal, weary vale of earth. Then will new life course through the veins of men, and then will their vision compass all the ways of what may be.
‘So peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, and understanding blossom as goodwill in men.”
The Reappearance of the Christ page 14

Humanity on the verge of great things

We stand today on the verge of great things.  Humanity is on its way with renewed impetus.  It stands no longer at the crossroads, but irrevocable decisions have been made, and the race is moving forward along a path which will lead it eventually into light and peace.  It will find its way into “the peace which passeth understanding” because it will be a peace which is independent of outer conditions and which is not based upon what present humanity defines as peace.  The peace which lies ahead of the race is the peace of serenity and of joy—a serenity, based upon spiritual understanding; and a serenity is not an astral condition but a soul reaction.  These qualities are not achieved as the result of disciplining the emotional nature, but demonstrate as a natural, automatic realignment.  These two qualities of the soul—serenity and joy—are the indications that the soul, the ego, the One Who stands alone, is controlling or dominating the personality, circumstance, and all environing conditions of life in the three worlds.”
Esoteric Psychology Volume II, page 200

seeds of peaceSeeds of peace

“Peace in our time As we observe the world, its people and the challenges we all face in our time, a call goes out to all who have within them the seeds of Peace – to all who have an understanding of the One World shared by the One Humanity – knowing that we all have common needs and common …” – read more commentary by Merle Stubbs


“There is a peace which passeth understanding; it abides in the hearts of those who live in the Eternal. There is a power which maketh all things new; it lives and moves in those who know the Self as one. May that peace brood over us, that power uplift us”
Discipleship in the New Age Volume I, page 359.

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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