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Wesak Full Moon

The Wesak Festival, at the time of the Taurus full moon, marks the high-water mark of spiritual blessing in the world. There is an unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation which serves to vitalize the aspiration of all humankind. The intuition of all who seek to serve the good, the beautiful and the true (regardless of their faith or spiritual background) is stimulated by this spiritual blessing.

At Wesak we can visualize the aspiration of all people of goodwill being fused into a concentrated invocation to the Buddha, the Christ, and all Enlightened Beings on the inner side of life. This is a time for dedication, a time to hold ourselves steadily in the light, and above all, a time to focus on the needs of our fellow human beings and the necessity of providing a group channel whereby the spiritual forces can be poured through the body of humanity.

A Ceremony in the Himalayas

During this full moon period, the Buddha is said to empower Forces of Enlightenment seeking contact with humanity. At a legendary ceremony in a Himalayan valley He returns year after year to bless an assembled gathering of Enlightened Beings, from the Christ, to the most humble disciple. The ritualistic movement of the participants form geometric patterns on the valley floor, absorbing and generating currents of spiritual force that create a preliminary channel for the potencies the Buddha will bring.

As the exact time of the full moon approaches a heightened expectancy and tension spreads throughout those assembled. The moment of His appearance is characterised by a great Silence, brimming with vitality and significance.

One of the greatest services we can render during this high point of the spiritual calendar is to align with the spirit of Silence in the valley of Wesak. We can prepare to hold the inner connection, even when amid the mundane interactions of daily life.

Keeping a sustained inner silence, and standing as the detached observer, we might well emulate the “silent watchers” of the heavens, observing the flow of thoughts and desires as they pass through us, yet remaining detached from them as we actively engage with the higher energies released by the Buddha. Through the silent tension we generate in the build up to the full moon, we put ourselves in touch, not only with the soul, but with the Spirit aspect whose Presence awaits our contact and invocation. Thus we can serve the greater Whole.

The Buddha’s annual return to bless people everywhere and to convey the message of wisdom, light and love is the outer evidence and guarantee of inner divine guidance and revelation in this present world cycle.

pdfThe Wesak Festival: A Technique of Spiritual Contact
Download a 22-page booklet as a PDF download – available free from the Lucis Trust website.

Printed copy: Please contact us to order a free printed copy of the booklet.

See also: Journey to the Wesak Valley in Tibet 1983

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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